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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Spring City/Surrounding Philadelphia area

    Default The Things People Say

    I got a call today from somebody who only needed a termite inspection. As I subcontract my termite inspections, I was ready to just pass along the name and contact number of the company I use. Before I could do so, the caller said they already were told the house had an active termite and carpenter ant issue and had treatment, etc etc. In any event, they needed another termite inspection and WDI report for whatever reason.......but, she then asked if they could get the termite inspection for FREE because they had already spent soooooo much money so far on this and that and blah blah blah. My answer with no lead in or build up while she was in mid sentence was a flat "NO". I told her the only free termite inspection she was going to get was from a company that wants to sell her on a treatment and since she already got that, nobody is going to come out and inspect at no charge and write up a report just to help you out.

    After calls like these, I feel like I come away short a few brain cells.

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    Crawl Space Creeper
    "It takes a big man to cry. It takes an even bigger man to laugh at that man". - Jack Handey

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Washington State

    Default Re: The Things People Say

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick Ostrowski View Post
    I got a call today from somebody who only needed a termite inspection. As I subcontract my termite inspections, I was ready to just pass along the name and contact number of the company I use. Before I could do so, the caller said they already were told the house had an active termite and carpenter ant issue and had treatment, etc etc. In any event, they needed another termite inspection and WDI report for whatever reason.......but, she then asked if they could get the termite inspection for FREE because they had already spent soooooo much money so far on this and that and blah blah blah. My answer with no lead in or build up while she was in mid sentence was a flat "NO". I told her the only free termite inspection she was going to get was from a company that wants to sell her on a treatment and since she already got that, nobody is going to come out and inspect at no charge and write up a report just to help you out.

    After calls like these, I feel like I come away short a few brain cells.
    Nick, had an agent tell me the other day while I was doing a pest inspection for his client that he (the Realtor) caught the pest inspector he used previously dumping a large carpenter ant out of a vile he caried in his pocket - I LMAO...... Some People. Next time someone asks for a freebie or a discount, ask them how many days a year they go to work and don't clock in - they catch on pretty fast after that.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Reisterstown, MD

    Default Re: The Things People Say

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Hintz View Post
    ask them how many days a year they go to work and don't clock in - they catch on pretty fast after that.
    Or, you might ask how many days they clock in and don't go to work!

    Bob Kenney
    Independent Home Inspection

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Washington State

    Default Re: The Things People Say

    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Kenney View Post
    Or, you might ask how many days they clock in and don't go to work!

    Bob Kenney
    Independent Home Inspection
    That only pertains to State, County, City and Boeing employees !!!


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