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  1. #1
    Ron Bibler's Avatar
    Ron Bibler Guest

    Default Seller I have no money to fix anything...Ouch!

    Seller has no money to fix anything:

    I keep see this over and over. One would think that after 4 plus years of this we would see the bottom. But it looks like this is going to go on for ?
    I get calls to go back over homes inspected 7-8-9-10 years ago and the same problem a show up on the new report. Its like I could just take my old report and hand that to the new buyer. (Check Please)...

    What ever happened to the nice clean home next door.

    Whats it like on you street?.....

    And for all you blues brothers...Something from my band. Recorded live 3/10/2012 Iron Steed Harley Davidson Shop...Vacaville Ca...

    Ron Bibler
    Excellence Exterminating Co
    Termite Inspection | Pest Control | Fumigation | California - Santa Rosa - Sonoma County
    Santa Rosa California Home Inspection - Exterminating & Thermal Imaging
    Hoen Ave Santa Rosa Ca.
    Termite Inspection | Pest Control | Fumigation | California - Santa Rosa - Sonoma County
    Excellence Exterminating Co. - YouTube

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    Last edited by Ron Bibler; 03-12-2012 at 02:07 PM. Reason: Adjustments
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