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Thread: Any Hunters Here?
10-18-2007, 05:02 PM #1
Any Hunters Here?
I find myself focusing all my attentions at this time of year to bowhunting with the exception of working just enough to earn gas money to get to and fro my hunting locales. My wife shakes her head when I tell her I am taking a week long vacation starting 10/26 to hunt. She told a friend of ours about my "vaca" plans and the friend said "Isn't Nick's vacation every day he doesn't have a job?".
I unfortunately will not shake this affliction until the PA hunting calendar states I can no longer legally take to field with bow or gun. I think I have a problem.
Please tell me there are other HIs out there racked (no pun intended) with the same addiction.
10-24-2007, 06:50 PM #2
Re: Any Hunters Here?
Wup; I've got a problem too. Starts about April with turkeys and ends In February when deer season closes. It's a good thing I've got March left to get some real work done.
My son harvested one behind my house on a neighbors property; Bow hunting at 9:05 Saturday the 13th. Biggest 8 point I've ever seen. Well over two hundred pounds. How do I post a photo?
I'm still trying to get the BIG old double drop I had close two years ago but didn't take the chancy shot he offered.
Be careful out there.
10-24-2007, 07:41 PM #3
Re: Any Hunters Here?
I used to dove hunt but not much anymore.
Trying to learn the art of bow hunting, but I'm still taking lessons. I've had more than 6 months now and still can't seem to get the technique down. My instructor is great, but she's thinks I'm hopeless.
Practice Practice Practice
10-25-2007, 04:09 AM #4
10-25-2007, 06:12 AM #5
Re: Any Hunters Here?
This is a picture of a deer that we caught back in 2005 with an automatic camera. Needless to say he was not real happy that he did not find a real doe. Yes, this is a white tail deer.
10-25-2007, 11:29 AM #6
Re: Any Hunters Here?
Deer season is good but my favorite is waterfowl season, and ducks just opened on Tuesday. What a great day, it rained all day long and the hunting was great. I think I live in the premier region of NY any whivh way I turn I can hit a lake with in 15-45 min. The finger lakes region is hard to beat. The only draw back to NY is the taxxes.
Safe hunting, and remember a bad day of hunting is always better than a good day working.
10-30-2007, 12:59 PM #7
Re: Any Hunters Here?
I wasn't hunting the other day, I was fly fishing, but I could have used a "Hunter" to get this guy off my back. He pushed me down the river, he never charged, just shook his horns, stomped his feet, ripped up bushes, and did a lot of "whoofing". I crossed back and forth across the river 4 times and he just kept following me until I finally got back to my truck. At one time he had me chest deep in the water, about an inch left on my waders, wondering if I could reach shallower water before my waders sucked me clear down, while he stood knee deep 10 feet away shaking his horns. It was pretty exciting there for a while, I'm accustomed to sharing the river with black bear, they usually run away when you yell, I yelled at this guy and he y"yelled" back. Another great day in paradise, just think I could have been doing a Home Inspection.
10-30-2007, 02:02 PM #8
Re: Any Hunters Here?
That's one impressive ole boy you shared the river with. That'll get the blood flowing...
10-30-2007, 03:08 PM #9
Re: Any Hunters Here?
You may need to carry a gun when fishing.
10-31-2007, 09:23 AM #10
Re: Any Hunters Here?
I was thinking maybe Bear Spray, I don't know if it would work on a Moose, it might just pi$$ them off. In the spring and summer it's the Cow's with calves that are the danger, come fall though the Bull's become the most dangerous thing around. I've seen them act a lot more aggressive than this guy, but I've never seen one act like this guy, he just kept following me, he'd leave and then show up on the bank right behind me, at one point I stood my ground ( I didn't have much choice the river was too deep to back up very far) just to see what he would do, he just kept slowly coming, when he got within about 10 feet I went into the water as far as I could, he came in to about his knees, shook his horns at me and then went back up on the bank.
I was born here in North Idaho, I hunted since I was 12 and followed my Dad around for a couple of years before that, 12 years ago I shot a big Bull Elk, one of many elk I have killed, as I walked up to him he raised his head and looked me in the eye, it was like he was asking me why I shot him, and I couldn't think of a good answer. I haven't hunted since, now my small arsenal of rifles just sits here unused, I don't hunt, but I can't bring myself to sell any of them, to many good memories. I'm not anti hunting by the way, I just got to the point where I would rather watch wildlife than shoot it, I don't expect others to feel the same way.
Experiences like this one with the Moose is why no matter how often I leave, I keep coming home. This is a beautiful area and for someone who loves the outdoors it's hard to beat, North Idaho, Western Montana, British Columbia.....some of the most beautiful contry in the world, all within a couple of hours drive.
10-31-2007, 10:38 AM #11
Re: Any Hunters Here?
Good for you.
I came from a family of hunters (when we were up in New York south of Buffalo), but all I ever did was shoot at targets (shell casings slipped over the top of reeds blowing in the wind and things like that) because I never had a good answer to that question either.
I gave my guns away when I moved from Gainesville, Florida to South Florida as there were no places down there to go target shooting with a 7.62 mm Mauser with steel jacketed armor piercing ammo (I had a few of thousand rounds of it too). In Ft. Pierce as a kid before Gainesville and in Gainesville, there were places to go where I could shoot into embankments and not worry about the rounds coming out the other side and hitting who-know-who-or-what.
I guess, in South Florida, I could have lined up some drug dealers and taken them all out with one shot (because it would have gone clean through the first few of them), but, then I would have been charged with discharging a firearm in a populated area (like I would have been the only one doing so??
Anyway, good to hear you've stopped. I'm not an anti-hunting zealot, but I just cannot understand why man feels a need to kill other animals just for the *sport* of doing so. Give the animal a chance, fight the animal on their turf, in their way, and, hey, if the man wins - good for him ... but to set up a stand and wear camouflage and use a high power rifle with a scope - *sport* is not what comes to my mind, *sniper* is, and no one likes a *sniper*.
10-31-2007, 12:05 PM #12
Re: Any Hunters Here?
I still think about "Going Hunting", my family still sets up a big camp every year for Elk season. I told my cousin last summer I was thinking about coming to camp this year, but I was worried that my uncle might shoot me if I didn't bring my gun and some ammo. The "hunting" is the fun part, that and sitting around camp "shooting the bull" at night. Here we have Bow Season, Rifle Season, and Black Powder Season, I was thinking about starting a petition to see if we could get a Paint Ball Gun Season for us former hunters who just like "The Hunt", not the kill.
Last edited by Lewis Capaul; 10-31-2007 at 12:13 PM.
11-01-2007, 06:55 AM #13
Re: Any Hunters Here?
I also live for deer hunting in the fall, I have taken 3 weekend trips so far. I am going again for the weekend tomarrow after my morning inspection and I have two trips planned for rifle season in November.
The only thing that keeps my wife from getting to upset is that we have a 16 year old son who hunts with me. How could she complain about a father spending so much quality time with his boy.
11-06-2007, 05:56 PM #14
Re: Any Hunters Here?
I'm back from the woods guys. I nailed this guy on Halloween morning. In my stand at 10:30am, buck on the ground by 10:50 am................a 20 minute hunt.
11-06-2007, 06:16 PM #15
Re: Any Hunters Here?
Nice one Nick. Just returned from Maine. My brother in law shot a moose. He gave me a big package of steaks. Very good. My wife even ate it and said it was good. Now that shocked me.
11-06-2007, 07:53 PM #16
Re: Any Hunters Here?
Your a lucky man to come out of those woods alive. I hear the deer have got together and decided not to take it anymore and are fighting back.
YouTube - Deer Gets Revenge on Hunter
11-06-2007, 09:33 PM #17
Re: Any Hunters Here?
Rick, that's funny as hell!!!
That buck whooped that hunters ass and made him look stupid. The only thing that would have been funnier is if some how the deer got ahold of the bow and shoved it up the old red-neck's arse...
11-07-2007, 11:00 AM #18
Re: Any Hunters Here?
just saw this today. I guess I missed opening day, huh???
Back in the day I used to supplement the fodder with game of all kind from many different states.
Now, I'm in a unusual situation. My wife's ex is an avid hunter. If it moves he's on it, uses every stamp every year. Only problem is his newer model wife won't allow him to bring any of the kill into HER home.
Every time Freddy goes hunting I reap all of the benefits. Wife says it's like alimony ala carte and she loves to fix it right.
Only bad part is I have to do the dishes sometimes
badair Garland, TX 75042
Commercial-Residential-Construction-EIFS-Stucco-ACMV-Infrared Thermography
life is the random lottery of events followed by numerous narrow escapes...accept the good
11-07-2007, 11:10 AM #19
11-07-2007, 11:41 AM #20
Re: Any Hunters Here?
badair Garland, TX 75042
Commercial-Residential-Construction-EIFS-Stucco-ACMV-Infrared Thermography
life is the random lottery of events followed by numerous narrow escapes...accept the good
11-14-2007, 09:37 AM #21
Re: Any Hunters Here?
This is why trampolines are dangerous.
11-14-2007, 09:51 AM #22
Re: Any Hunters Here?
R312.2 Guard opening limitations. Required guards on open sides of stairways, raised floors,balconies and porches shall have intermediate rails or ornamental closures which do not allow passage of a sphere 4 inches or more in diameter.
11-14-2007, 03:35 PM #23
Re: Any Hunters Here?
You Boy's in the South West Be On The LOOK OUT!
It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.
12-23-2010, 10:45 AM #24
Re: Any Hunters Here?
I spend a great deal of my time in the woods when I'm not working. I was lucky enough to get to go home during November for 3 weeks and got lucky enough to catch this guy chasing a doe. The ole hoyt and rage 2 let this guy take a dirt after running about 60 yards.
12-23-2010, 10:50 AM #25
Re: Any Hunters Here?
One of my bucks from last season with my rifle. This is my first double beam buck.
12-23-2010, 10:54 AM #26
Re: Any Hunters Here?
Very nice Kyle. Congrats. I got a buck back in October during the PA archery season. Now I'm waiting for the late season to open a couple days after Christmas so I can try and fill a doe tag. Love them tenderloins and backstraps.
"It takes a big man to cry. It takes an even bigger man to laugh at that man". - Jack Handey
12-23-2010, 11:13 AM #27
Re: Any Hunters Here?
I'm currently in SW Pennsylvania working as a welding inspector near Washington, PA. Yall have lots of deer! I agree, I love me some tenderloins...
12-24-2010, 10:56 AM #28
Re: Any Hunters Here?
The Top Ten Reasons Men Prefer Rifles Over Women
#10. You can trade an old 44 for a new 22.
#9. You can keep one Rifle at home and have
another for when you're on the road.
#8. If you admire a friend's Rifle and tell him so,
he will probably let you try it out a few times.
#7. Your primary Rifle doesn't mind if you keep
another Rifle for a backup.
#6. Your Rifle will stay with you even if you run
out of ammo.
#5. A Rifle doesn't take up a lot of closet space.
#4. Rifles function normally every day of the month.
#3. A Rifle doesn't ask, "Do these new grips make
me look fat?"
#2. A Rifle doesn't mind if you go to sleep after
you use it.
And the number one reason a Rifle is favored over a
Merry Christmas to all on IN.
12-28-2010, 07:21 PM #29
Re: Any Hunters Here?
I don't mess with hunting, but my brother just hooked me up with a cooler full of venison ring bologney before I came back from PA after visiting at Christmas. Tasty stuff.
Jim Robinson
New Mexico, USA
12-28-2010, 09:31 PM #30
Re: Any Hunters Here?
City kid, don't hunt. However a friend is a dedicated bowhunter for deer and turkey. We usually get the legs and sometimes some better stuff from the deer. I cut the legs up into portion sizes, stick'em in the oven for a couple hours and feed'em to the dogs.
12-29-2010, 08:00 AM #31
Re: Any Hunters Here?
1 shot 1 kill loaded up my freezer for me.
12-30-2010, 10:00 AM #32
Re: Any Hunters Here?
When not earning a living I am either playing golf, or hunting. My favorite hunt is for white tails, very abundant in this area. I do not bow hunt my weapon of choice is 30/06. But because my wife lovoes to eat and shop the only time I recreate is when I have no inspections scheduled.
01-04-2011, 01:20 PM #33
Re: Any Hunters Here?
This year is off to a good start. Shot this slick head at 30 yards Sunday night. It's my 3rd deer this 2010/2011 season.
01-04-2011, 02:09 PM #34
Re: Any Hunters Here?
Congrats Richard. I wish they allowed Sunday hunting in PA but we're still in the dark ages.
I see you shoot an Elite. Which model? I shoot a 2007 Synergy.
"It takes a big man to cry. It takes an even bigger man to laugh at that man". - Jack Handey
01-04-2011, 02:16 PM #35
Re: Any Hunters Here?
01-04-2011, 03:13 PM #36
Re: Any Hunters Here?
Yep. One of only about 10 states in the entire country that still don't allow it. Our bow season is still running top to, up until January 22nd. But the woods and fields here get trampled by the orange army so guns are the best bet now unless you have access to private land.
The new Hunter looks like a great hunting bow. Heck, all Elites are great bows.
"It takes a big man to cry. It takes an even bigger man to laugh at that man". - Jack Handey