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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Chicago, IL

    Default "The Rush to Inspect"

    "ABC7's I-Team joined forces with "The Daily Herald" to investigate the national problem- and local dilemma. The findings- cities and suburbs do not have enough inspectors to keep up with the construction projects, resulting in " Rush to Inspect" newly built homes and condos by time-challenged, short-staffed city agencies..."

    (Thanks to Will Decker for pointing this out) I-Team: Rush to Inspect

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  2. #2
    Richard Stanley's Avatar
    Richard Stanley Guest

    Default Re: "The Rush to Inspect"

    Comparing the time of a complete home inspection versus a building department code inspection is an illegitimate comparison. The code guy is there usually for only one component.

    I wonder whatever happened to Susan? I guess she's busy!!


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