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Thread: Inspector Hall of Fame
12-09-2016, 03:06 AM #1
Inspector Hall of Fame
Dear friend and mentor Roy Cooke was the first InterNACHI inspector inducted into InterNACHI's Hall of Fame.
Roy Cooke.JPG
Mr. Cooke and his supportive wife and home inspection partner, Char Cooke, have contributed much to Ontario's home inspection industry, including vigorously voicing his position on introducing mandatory fire suppression for every new home built in Ontario.
Roy Cooke sat on many committees with long time friend Raymond Wand and continues to sit on InterNACHI awards committee helping home inspectors, homies, across North America to this day and is much loved and respected by those who know him.
Wishing you many happy years of retirement Roy.
Could not be happier for you friend.
All the best.
Robert Young
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