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Thread: Affordable HI

  1. #1
    David Banks's Avatar
    David Banks Guest

    Default Affordable HI

    I'm shocked I tell Ya!

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  2. #2
    Ron Bibler's Avatar
    Ron Bibler Guest

    Default Re: Affordable HI

    Did you call that wack job ? ask him what the $&*^%#& he thinks he is doing ? he has just put us all on a stick in the ground. Get a rope!!!


  3. #3
    Deleted Account's Avatar
    Deleted Account Guest

    Default Re: Affordable HI

    Quote Originally Posted by David Banks View Post
    I'm shocked I tell Ya!

    Does anyone know if this could this be the unveiling of the new & improved NAHI Branding program discussed at their last closed door meeting?

  4. #4
    Richard Moore's Avatar
    Richard Moore Guest

    Default Re: Affordable HI

    I hope he has a checklist for large cardboard boxes under bridges, because that's the only clientele I could possibly imagine he would attract with that. David...did the guy cleaning your windshield when you took the photo happen to be wearing an AHI shirt?

    He would do better by cleaning up the trash, planting a few flowers, and erecting a sign stating "Intersection Maintained by Affordable Home Inspections".

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Rockwall Texas

    Default Re: Affordable HI

    At least the guy is out there advertising. More than many can say I bet.

    Can you imagine the number of cars that probably drive by that location and see that?

    There are many companies using the "Affordable" in their company name. Many are not truly affordable but know how advertising works to get the phone to ring.

    Yeah, the sign is small but it caught another inspector eye, so others are seeing it too.


  6. #6
    Joel Parness's Avatar
    Joel Parness Guest

    Default Re: Affordable HI

    WOW. I know business is slow around here but....

    Where did you see that, David?

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Affordable HI

    I don't know what's typical out there but I can tell you those types of signs are very typical here. I haven't seen one for HI yet. Health Ins, Doors/windows, tree trimming, furniture, movers, plumbers, foreclosure/credit help, etc. Signs like that are at almost all the expressway on/off ramps and major intersections some city mostly burbs.
    "The Code is not a ceiling to reach but a floor to work up from"

  8. #8
    David Banks's Avatar
    David Banks Guest

    Default Re: Affordable HI

    Quote Originally Posted by Joel Parness View Post
    WOW. I know business is slow around here but....

    Where did you see that, David?
    It was in Mansfield at corner of Rt 140 and Rt 106. The funny thing is I was on my way to an inspection down the street and I also booked the Home Seller for their new house on Friday. They hemmed and hawed at the price but booked me anyway. I guess the affordable did not work for them.
    Probably because he was there during his house inspection.

  9. #9
    Ron Bibler's Avatar
    Ron Bibler Guest

    Default Re: Affordable HI

    Its got to be a newbee trying things out. finding his way around...

    poor missdirected fish! hes going the wrong way. Over the cliff.

    We should call this guy and help him out with his marketing...

    Or he maybe getting a lot of work off that sign?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Default Re: Affordable HI


    never thought i would lower myself--but i'm a member of the rocky mountain nahi chapter--RESPONDING TO YOUR nahi branding--- i can assure you my chapter inspectors--are professionally trained and most are CRI------IF YOU WERE INSULTING NAHI-----HOPE YOU ARE THE CREAM OF THE CROP DOWN THERE IN FLORIDA-----TRY AND KEEP YOUR REMARKS PROFESSIONAL---after all this website is for respectful professional-----have a good day

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Tampa, Fl

    Default Re: Affordable HI

    Give the guy a break. If it works, more power to him. You can't tell what kind of inspection the guy is going to do from his advertising sign. Call the number, qualify him over the phone, have him inspect your house and then you can critique. Affordable is a subjective term and is perfect for advertising. Nothing wrong with it as long as he backs it with quality.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Affordable HI

    Yeah, what Matt said.

  13. #13
    Brian Cooper's Avatar
    Brian Cooper Guest

    Default Re: Affordable HI

    I bet that gets more phone calls than an overpriced phone book ad.

  14. #14
    Deleted Account's Avatar
    Deleted Account Guest

    Default Re: Affordable HI

    Quote Originally Posted by CHARLIE VAN FLEET View Post

    never thought i would lower myself--but i'm a member of the rocky mountain nahi chapter--RESPONDING TO YOUR nahi branding--- i can assure you my chapter inspectors--are professionally trained and most are CRI------IF YOU WERE INSULTING NAHI-----HOPE YOU ARE THE CREAM OF THE CROP DOWN THERE IN FLORIDA-----TRY AND KEEP YOUR REMARKS PROFESSIONAL---after all this website is for respectful professional-----have a good day


    Take it easy, it was probably just a rumor started by the Pro-Licensing-Nazis to cover their tracks. Last report in New York is that after Home Inspectors were licensed the number of inspectors have more than doubled and prices they were getting for a home inspection halved. I wouldn't be surprised to find out that Mr. Affordable Inspector is working in a newly licensed state trying to make ends meet after another well-meaning licensing debacle.

    In regards to NAHI, well here in Florida at least NAHI is very pro licensing and if you take time out to read the piece-O-crap the the Governor signed, I know that you as "respected professional" inspector would be appalled, especially with NAHI's promotion of it.

    Regards - Joe.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Fredericksburg, VA

    Default Re: Affordable HI

    Had an inspection a couple of weeks ago. Foreclosure, young couple wanted something they could live in while fixing up. Realtor called on a Wednesday, while I was in an inspection, and asked if I could do this one Friday with Radon test too. My standard report is a PDF via email usually the night of the inspection, followed up by a mailed hard copy in a binder, Radon info, Homeowner manual etc. In every mailed report I include a client comment/questionaire and a SASS envelope to return it. I get a response from most clients. The young lady client commented that the inspection was very detailed, well explained, and the report was excellent. But, I charged too much! They had found somebody "cheaper" but due to time restrictions they had to go with me be cause I was available. If my price was $50 less, the whole package would be very attractive! I refrained from replying with a smart-assed answer. Oh, and at the end, I ask for permission to use the client as a reference. The comment there was, "I would be glad to act as a reference except that I would have to say you cost too much". I took the whole thing as a kickback request. Refund me $50 and I'll give you glowing references. I'll just send her a card one day thanking her for her positive comments.

    Last edited by Stuart Brooks; 05-25-2008 at 07:37 AM. Reason: Just copying the text - no change
    The above statements are expressed solely as my opinion and in all probability will conflict with someone else's.
    Stu, Fredericksburg VA

  16. #16
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    Default Re: Affordable HI

    If someone is looking to get a professional image across to potential clients to get their trust and respect, I don't think it would be with a cardboard sign stapled to a stick. Newbie or not, have a professional sign made up.
    Pick up that larger sign laying face down in the grass... I'll bet it's the one the same guy uses on weekends that says 'Unemployed inspector will work for food'

    Steve Lottatore

  17. #17
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    Default Re: Affordable HI

    Affordable Home Inspections is my company name since 1995. My prices are not cheap but it's a tactic to get the calls and placement in the book. And when they say I thought you where affordable ,I say I am in that you are going to save allot of money by the things that I will find compared to what you are going to pay me.

    There is someone around here using the card board sign advertising. Said something like any home $200.00. They had a link on this sight for awhile.
    I hope he went broke.

    So when you see the word "affordable" don't assume it to be cheap..........
    It is no diffrent then let's say "Certified Master Inspector"...........Get my drift

    Last edited by Mike Schulz; 05-25-2008 at 04:53 AM.
    Mike Schulz License 393
    Affordable Home Inspections

  18. #18
    Travis Grubbs's Avatar
    Travis Grubbs Guest

    Default Re: Affordable HI


    I can definitely relate to your post. I can only wonder how your client could compare your report and fee with the cheaper inspector's quote since she has not seen a sample of his work.

    Travis Grubbs

  19. #19
    Ted Menelly's Avatar
    Ted Menelly Guest

    Default Re: Affordable HI

    Just a few notes

    What works for some in advertising may not work for others.

    About the pro licensing comment. Why would you be against licensing. Don't you think the field is already a little crowded with every Tom , Dick and Harry coming into home inspection. I am from Texas where you have to be licensed and the only concern with that is even though you have to take your 480 hours of course work and test thru each section, electrical, plubing, foundation etc. and then take a final state test, they are still not requiring any expierience in anything to do with construction or inspection. Your local convenience store worker can come out in the end with a "professional Home Inspectors license as long as he passes all the test and gets better than 120 right out of 150 questions.

    Personally I do believe there is a back ground needed, something, anything.

    I started in Florida "Officially" as a full time home inspector. Anyone can be a home inspector in Florida. Personally I am one of those fools that still believes in looking out for the clients that are paying me to look out for them. Anyway, what worked in Florida for advertising did not work in Texas so I tried a lot of wild and crazy, and probably deamed foolish by some, advertising ways. I guess my point is, don't knock it till you try it.

  20. #20
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    Default Re: Affordable HI

    Quote Originally Posted by Travis Grubbs View Post

    I can definitely relate to your post. I can only wonder how your client could compare your report and fee with the cheaper inspector's quote since she has not seen a sample of his work.

    Travis Grubbs
    Perhaps its the general consumer mindset. A state auto inspection is, say, $20, everywhere in the state and an inspection is and an inspection just like a loaf of bread is a loaf of bread. The average consumer doesn't think about quality nearly as much as quantity and cost. But I have been fortunate to have enough clients that don't want the cheapest price, they want a thorough inspection, professionalism, and someone looking out for them during and after the inspection. A large number have come from the web, they will not use a Realtor's "recommended" inspector.

    The above statements are expressed solely as my opinion and in all probability will conflict with someone else's.
    Stu, Fredericksburg VA

  21. #21
    Brandon Chew's Avatar
    Brandon Chew Guest

    Default Re: Affordable HI

    Quote Originally Posted by Stuart Brooks View Post
    Perhaps its the general consumer mindset. A state auto inspection is, say, $20, everywhere in the state and an inspection is and an inspection just like a loaf of bread is a loaf of bread. The average consumer doesn't think about quality nearly as much as quantity and cost. But I have been fortunate to have enough clients that don't want the cheapest price, they want a thorough inspection, professionalism, and someone looking out for them during and after the inspection. A large number have come from the web, they will not use a Realtor's "recommended" inspector.

    When HIs compete based on price, they turn an inspection from a service into a commodity, and they fuel this perception by the public that all inspections, and inspectors, are equal. The same perception in the eyes of public is fueled by HI licensing bodies when they attempt to spell out in detail exactly what and how an inspector should do his job and what should be in his report and how it is presented.

    If we, as inspectors, allow both of these trends to continue unchecked, eventually we will wind up in a situation where lowest price will be the feature sought by the majority of our customers, slim profit margins will be the rule, and the large firms and franchises (the Wal-Marts of the inspection world) will dominate the industry.

    HI is a service and not a commodity like a gallon of gas. We should sell and market it as a service.

    Off my soapbox for the day and headed to a BBQ....


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