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  1. #1
    imported_John Smith's Avatar
    imported_John Smith Guest

    Default Wouldnt it be great if Brian added a "Tips" forum?

    Im sure with all the inspectors that post to this site we could really get some good tips. It would be handy to have them in a single forum.

    Heres some of mine:
    1. Put some blue painters tape on the back side of your ladder (the side that goes against the house). This will help protect gutters and help you remember which side of the ladder to climb on (important if you have a little giant type ladder). Just remember to make sure that you dont have any slick spots as a result of the tape.

    2. Print out your draft copies of reports using the draft black and white setting of your printer. Sure makes cartridges last a lot longer.

    3. Know your report program well. I was using an MS word based report writing program. I struggled for quite a while sizing photos to add to it (I was sizing them with my mouse). After a while, I got smart and figured out how to size the photos through the program, saving me at least 20 minutes per report.

    4. Make a checklist of all the tools you require and use it each time you go out to a job. That way your assured not to forget anything.

    5. Always follow up with your clients after you have issued the report. They wont forget it

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  2. #2

    Default Re: Wouldnt it be great if Brian added a "Tips" forum?

    Fill your extension ladder rungs with expansion foam to get rid of the annoying humming sound.

    Carry 2 of everything important.

    Don't reply to complaints from sellers/ listing agent's until you have time to cool off (although it does make you feel better at the time)

    Don't leave the crawlspace access hatch open when there are pets or small kids in the home.

    Don't set the attic access hatch where you can step on it when entering/ exiting the attic.

    Don't open your computer while driving.

  3. #3
    Stephen Houmard's Avatar
    Stephen Houmard Guest

    Default Re: Wouldnt it be great if Brian added a "Tips" forum?

    • Give the children a flash light to play with while you check poliarity and grounding, They quickly want to play home inspector during an inspection, and that could be shocking.

    • Never use a bathroom toilet before you test it.

    • Don't get upset when you get a complait call by a client or agent, You will fid they didn't read the report or it is just a GFCI triped and they don't know how to reset it.
    • Take phots of plumbing pentrations, all of them. Pest company will state there is wood rot and would gladly replace it.....even if it is fine. Clients never go into there crawl space so we have to be there eyes. It will make us look bad in the eyes of the client / agent is the Pest guys disagree with us, you cant disagee with a photo.

    • never lay down in a clents bed, you may fall asleep.

  4. #4
    A.D. Miller's Avatar
    A.D. Miller Guest

    Default Re: Wouldnt it be great if Brian added a "Tips" forum?

    imported_John Smith
    "John":I also think that Brian should form a forum-sized version of the Immigration and Naturalization service so that we could swiftly and legally deport the "imported" who insist on remaining nameless.

    Just remember to make sure that you dont have any slick spots as a result of the tape.
    "John": If you need blue tape to remember which side of the ladder to mount, I feel sorry for your mate.

    2. Print out your draft copies of reports using the draft black and white setting of your printer. Sure makes cartridges last a lot longer.
    "John": With the advent of concept of word processing drafts are unnecessary.

    3. Know your report program well.
    "John": Goes without saying.

    4. Make a checklist of all the tools you require and use it each time you go out to a job. That way your assured not to forget anything.
    "John": A professional would have already his tools in the vehicle.

    5. Always follow up with your clients after you have issued the report. They wont forget it
    "John": Good advice for inspectors with forgettable personalities and reports.



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