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  1. #1
    daniel nantell's Avatar
    daniel nantell Guest

    Default federal pacific electric panels

    Is it correct to call out all federal pacific panels or just a certain series or models, also what about the zinco panels, are they certain series, to call out.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Santa Rosa, CA

    Default Re: federal pacific electric panels

    Quote Originally Posted by daniel nantell View Post
    Is it correct to call out all federal pacific panels or just a certain series or models, also what about the zinco panels, are they certain series, to call out.
    Good question. There is a recent thread that touched on that. A main breaker that JP indicated was not known to be problematic. I have seen bolt-on Zinsco breakers (commercial type) that would not have the buss bar problems of the home panels.

    Department of Redundancy Department
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  3. #3
    Ken Larson's Avatar
    Ken Larson Guest

    Default Re: federal pacific electric panels

    It is a good question and since I'm not an electrician I don't split hairs on good ones or bad ones. If I see a Fed Pacific or Zinsco I just write up what I see. I tell my clients these panels have been known to have issues and may not be safe. I always recommend they be replaced by a licensed electrician. If the electrician comes out and says it fine I tell the client to get it in writing that the electrician feels the panel is safe.

    I personally wouldn't let my family live in a home with either of those panels. But, that's just me.....I'd rather replace those aged pieces of junk. I don't write that in my report, but I may "mumble those sentiments".


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