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  1. #1
    Raghav Singh's Avatar
    Raghav Singh Guest

    Default Upload Failed Error Help

    Hello All,
    I have read the FAQ's and a couple of posts regarding the upload of photos to this website. Sorry if this info is somewhere else , I have tried to find out as much as I could before I asked here.

    I am trying to upload 3 relevant photos to accompany a question which I am trying to post. One of the three photos will upload (1.5 MB JPEG ) but the other two (2.1 and 2.7 MB JPEG's) come up as "upload of file failed" no matter what I try.

    Is it the size? If so is there anything which I can do in order to make these pictures "ready for upload" ? Any advice on this matter is appreciated as I hope to get some opinions on these photos , Thanks for taking the time to read this post.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Orlando, FL

    Default Re: Upload Failed Error Help

    The photo upload page lists the maximum file sizes (all are under 1.9 Mb)

    Try resizing the photos. Plenty of software utilities will do it easily, such as Microsoft Image Resizer.


    ***IMPORTANT*** You Need To Register To View Images ***IMPORTANT*** You Need To Register To View Images

  3. #3
    Raghav Singh's Avatar
    Raghav Singh Guest

    Default Re: Upload Failed Error Help

    I should have picked up on that but was not sure how much they are compressed, automatically , during the upload process. Anyway thanks for simplifying the matter for me , I'll do a little more investigation next time before I post a question.


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