Code Check Southeast2013 is the place to be. Everyoneis invited: Builders, Municipal Inspectors, Private Inspectors, Real EstateAgents, Students, etc

Attendees for the Code Check 2013 conferenceFebruary 7th, 8th, and 9th at Atlanta’s EmoryConference Center will be getting an outstanding educational value

ØThebenefit of the nationally recognized CodeCheck© speakers/authors for 3-days of in depth instructionregarding the 2012 IRC for the same fees charged for our 2-dayconferences held in 2011 and 2012. What a deal!

Ø In essence, GAHI is providing an extra day of quality educationalinstruction at NO extra cost.

ØFees for theCodeCheck 2013 conference have been REDUCED to $299 for the 3-day Conference. (anda gourmet quality Lunch is included each day!)

Don’t put this OFF! Registernow. There is an added bonus opportunity for those whoregister for all 3 conference days by midnight 1-26-13, that person iseligible for a chance to win a $500 Cash drawing. The drawing tobe held at the end of 3rd Conference day, February 9th– ticket holder must be present to win.

Click on the following link to Register and for detailsabout Code Check Southeast 2013. Conference Home.html

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