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Thread: Tip 6: Spell Check
04-18-2007, 10:47 AM #1
Tip 6: Spell Check
If you can not find the Spell Check button when making a post try the following:
If you are using the Internet Explorer Browser:
You should see the editing buttons like those in the picture attached.
If you do not, this is what you need to do.
Go to "Quick Links" (on the upper menu bar). Click on "Edit Options".
Scroll down to "Miscellaneous Options". In the drop down menu select "Enhanced Interface".
Click "Save Changes" at the bottom.
Do you see it now?
If you are using the FireFox Browser:
You should see the editing buttons like those in the picture attached EXCEPT for the spell check.
If you do not see the editing buttons this is what you need to do.
Go to "Quick Links" (on the upper menu bar). Click on "Edit Options".
Scroll down to "Miscellaneous Options". In the drop down menu select "Enhanced Interface".
Click "Save Changes" at the bottom.
For FireFox spell check:
Go to Firefox - Rediscover the Web , download and install the latest version of FireFox. (
Misspelled words will be underlined with a dotted red line. Just right click on the misspelled word and select the correct spelling.
Looks like the FireFox auto updater keep your current version of FireFox up to date but does not update you to the current version.
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Brian Hannigan /
Helping Inspectors $ucceed Since 1997TM
Twitter: @InspectionNews
04-18-2007, 07:30 PM #2
Re: Tip 6: Spell Check
"Baseball is like church. Many attend but few understand." Leo Durocher
Bruce Breedlove
04-18-2007, 10:02 PM #3
Re: Tip 6: Spell Check
oops, I meant linked
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Brian Hannigan /
Helping Inspectors $ucceed Since 1997TM
Twitter: @InspectionNews