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Thread: CSST in garage

  1. #1
    mathew stouffer's Avatar
    mathew stouffer Guest

    Default CSST in garage

    Can CSST be exposed along an interior garage wall. Can't seem to find this in the IRC.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Chicago IL

    Default Re: CSST in garage

    It can be exposed overall, don't know about in the Garage. My more immediate concern to me is the way it's run. Lack of support is a no brainer. More importantly, I would right the install up as D&H. (Dangerous & Hazardous)
    - Do you know how well those stairs are constructed? What about when the big burly movers haul in the furniture or new Viking and the stairs collapse ripping the gas line. Of course for good measure Joe will have a Cig in his mouth.
    - How about since there's no guardrail, someone stumbles and on the way down grabs the gas line and rips the connection loose at an end. Of course they won't realize it right away until the place is filled with gas and that's when the water tank kicks on.
    Must be the same house as the return air work.
    "The Code is not a ceiling to reach but a floor to work up from"

  3. #3
    mathew stouffer's Avatar
    mathew stouffer Guest

    Default Re: CSST in garage

    Well a more realist scenario is the lawn mower or huge snow blower damaging the line

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Near Philly, Pa.

    Smile Re: CSST in garage

    Matthew, the mfrs. listed instructions will provide the necessary reference for you.

    Keep the fire in the fireplace.


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