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Thread: Flex flu pipe

  1. #1
    Stephen G Sheldon's Avatar
    Stephen G Sheldon Guest

    Default Flex flu pipe

    Is the attached flu pipe legal? If so, how come I don't see it more often?

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  2. #2
    Jack Murdock's Avatar
    Jack Murdock Guest

    Default Re: Flex flu pipe

    As long as the AHJ and the furnace manufacturer allow its use and its going into a properly sized and lined chimney it good be OK Simpson makes a product that looks like this called Dura-Flex very fast to install just a slinky, this looks like a slinky within a slinkey similar to B-vent just flexible. I'd be curious to see how it enters the chimney and what else is vented into the chimney. It looks like a draft induced furnace 80% effeciency +/-. Is it a 4 inch slinky on a 4 inch breech?


  3. #3
    Stephen G Sheldon's Avatar
    Stephen G Sheldon Guest

    Default Re: Flex flu pipe

    I think its just a 4 inch slinky that connects to a B-vent before it exits the roof.

  4. #4
    Michael Larson's Avatar
    Michael Larson Guest

  5. #5
    Stephen G Sheldon's Avatar
    Stephen G Sheldon Guest

    Default Re: Flex flu pipe


    Thanks for the pdf. Very informative.


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