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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Tampa, Fl

    Default Register for Makeup and Combustion Air

    This is an example of a register that connected to a duct leading to the attic space intended for makeup/combustion for a furnace in this utility room. The register is of the type that is able to be closed - similar to an a/c register. Is this allowed? Or, is it required to be non-closeable to prevent people from inadvertantly cutting off the combustion air supply?

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: Register for Makeup and Combustion Air

    Quote Originally Posted by Matthew Barnicle View Post
    This is an example of a register that connected to a duct leading to the attic space intended for makeup/combustion for a furnace in this utility room. The register is of the type that is able to be closed - similar to an a/c register. Is this allowed? Or, is it required to be non-closeable to prevent people from inadvertantly cutting off the combustion air supply?
    If it is for combustion air it needs to be calculated in its most closed state, which means "it ain't gonna do no good" and needs to be changed.

    Is it for combustion air or for fresh air?

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  3. #3
    David Bell's Avatar
    David Bell Guest

    Default Re: Register for Makeup and Combustion Air

    The register needs to be non dampered type, the attic ducts for combustion air also should have no screens on them.


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