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  1. #1
    David McGuire's Avatar
    David McGuire Guest

    Default NREL invents new Swamp Cooler

    The people at NREL, the National Renewable Energy Lab have invented a new swamp cooler that uses 50% - 90% less energy than the best one on the market today. We don't have swamp coolers here in Northeast Kansas, so my knowledge of them is really limited. But here is the article from Popular Science;

    NREL Improves On Swamp Cooler Tech to Create 90 Percent More Efficient Air Conditioner | Popular Science

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  2. #2
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    Jul 2008

    Default Re: NREL invents new Swamp Cooler

    That would be 50% to 90% less energy than a convential DX air conditioning system.

    It would be very difficult to reduce the operating cost (and installation cost) or a good ol' swamper. But you have to live in a desert to enjoy the benefits.


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