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06-18-2011, 06:07 PM #1
Need Help finding Make of Furnace-A/C unit
Hey All! I'm hopeing someone can help me figure out what the make of a Furnace-A/C unit I inspected today in a high rise condo.
Model - 10MHP10A36A-1B
Serial - 8405A02537
It is an Electric unit, A/C located on bottom with Heat on top all in one Unit if this makes since.
I believe it may be an Armstong Air, but would like confirmation from someone who may know more than I on these.
Sorry No Pics, Camera went kaput during Inspection, rough day
Thanks to all who can Help!!!
Never do many high rise condos around here so never see many of these units.
Similar Threads:
06-18-2011, 07:09 PM #2
Re: Need Help finding Make of Furnace-A/C unit
What I find is that it is either an Armstrong or Concord....both made by Allied Air.
06-18-2011, 07:25 PM #3
Re: Need Help finding Make of Furnace-A/C unit
You're on target with A.A.C. manufactured (Armstrong Air Conditioning)product (at the time of my notes (97), then owned by Lennox Co) products under following names: Air Ease, Armstrong Air, American Aire, Concord, Magic-Pak.
MHP denotes a magic-pak self-contained through the wall unit Heat Pump.
I think you may have mistaken a 0 for a 6 following the 3, and may have possibly overlooked an F prior to the second A in the model number.
See if the following looks like what you're trying to describe. (10-12 years newer but similar).
Last edited by H.G. Watson, Sr.; 06-18-2011 at 10:12 PM.
06-18-2011, 09:11 PM #4
Re: Need Help finding Make of Furnace-A/C unit
MHP - magic-pak heat pump doesn't really matter which of the various "branded" names ascribed to it.
You know, even now its still a Lennox owned sub.
Now (today) its Allied that is the front name wholy owned subsidary that makes all the magic-paks corp based in SC, whereas before it was A.A.C. (armstrong) sub. entity based out of Belleville OH, that was the wholy owned corporate entity subsidary that "made" all the allied, armstrong, etc. branded magic-paks.
You can download the 97 vintage manual I offered as an example (the previously supplied pdf attachment, yourself, directly at (clickable link):
You can also visit the current web site yourself at (clickable link): Magic-Pak
There you can also see modern and current photographs of present-day manufactured equipment, and enjoy the resource and reference links yourself.
In the future it might help if you posted such a request in the technical forums related to heating and air conditioning.
The non-technical H.E.L.P. area is for help with posting, forum useablity questions. You may find in the future this topic discussion has been moved to that area.
You can always review your own created topics by clicking on the list of topics you created via your profile (even if they have been relocated).
HTH, and sorry to hear you had a bad day with equipment failures as well.
Last edited by H.G. Watson, Sr.; 06-18-2011 at 09:22 PM. Reason: lost all the dang paragraph formatting again :(
06-19-2011, 06:00 PM #5
Re: Need Help finding Make of Furnace-A/C unit
Thanks Guys
HG thanks for the magic-pak link....This is what the unit looks like and
Upon further investigating I have found in was manufactured in Bellevue, OH so I am leaning towards the Armstrong Air I believe it is a 2005 year model, which makes since cause I found out that the entire building had been converted to the condo units in 2005
Brunson Building Columbus, Ohio
Thanks Again for the Help! Much Appreciated!
HG Next time I will post in the HVAC section not sure what I was thinking when posting in the Help section