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Thread: Arrggggh

  1. #1
    dan orourke's Avatar
    dan orourke Guest

    Default Arrggggh


    Last edited by dan orourke; 01-01-2008 at 01:22 PM.
    Inspection Referral

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Spring Hill (Nashville), TN

    Default Re: Arrggggh

    Quote Originally Posted by dan orourke View Post
    I wrote this furnce elbow up for not be properly supported, strapped....the builder left a loooooong , hostile, life threatening messaage on my voice mail. I'm right, aren't I or do I need to swallow more than pride?
    Well, you really don't need to support that elbow at the unit. Now if it was further up the flue pipe then it would need support with some plumbers strapping.

    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: Arrggggh

    I've looked closely and see nothing "attaching it", hence, it does not have proper "support" (i.e., it could slip off, thereby falling down and no longer being connected).

    Guess it depends on how *you* define "support". (That is, if it is not "attached".)

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Memphis TN.

    Default Re: Arrggggh


    Hope this isn't a dumb question.

    Is that equipment sitting on top of Styrofoam?

    It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
    Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Near Philly, Pa.

    Smile keep it simple gang.

    The B-vent appears to be attached to a piece of single walled pipe with one screw and that is just stuck on the appliance collar without screws. There should be 3 screws per joint. What is to keep the vent from pulling off the appliance collar? The weight of the B-vent pushing down on that elbow may be enough to blow the elbow apart one of these days. The vent mfr. specifies the installation, which includes support. If there is a listed support device per specs. then add screws and be done. Otherwise, get the listed parts, install to the listing and you're done.

    Guys, there really isn't any need for all this guess work I see here all the time. When you have listed systems such as appliances and venting, record the mfr., model, and any serial or other identifying numbers. When you get back to your office, research that system and you'll get your answers. The code requires you install a listed system in accordance with the mfrs. listed instructions. What is so hard about that? Don't try to add ambiguity to such as simple issue. Either it meets the mfr.s instructions or it doesn't.

    I'm off to Pittsburgh for the ASHI Conference there. Teaching in the morning.
    In the coming weeks, I won't be able to post here as much as I did this summer since my Silly Season is arriving.

    Warmest regards,
    Bob Harper

    Keep the fire in the fireplace.


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