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  1. #1
    Gregg Austensen's Avatar
    Gregg Austensen Guest

    Question Age of compressor

    Can anyone confirm the age of this unit.

    Ducane model # AC10B24 S/N 4995220420

    The seller claims it's 2 years but I put it at 13.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: Age of compressor

    "Age of compressor "

    The "compressor" might be two years old, the "condenser unit" might be 13.

    I'm not familiar with Ducane date coding, but, what condition does the condenser unit look? Closer to 2 years old (would still be new looking) or closer to 13 years old (likely have quite a bit of rust and other visible wear and tear)?

    It is entirely possible that the seller had the "compressor" replaced, two years ago, and, when you were using the term "compressor" when referring to the "condenser unit", the seller stated 'that is only two years old' ...

    Could be correct.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  3. #3
    Pat Rodio's Avatar
    Pat Rodio Guest

    Default Re: Age of compressor

    I agree with Jerry. How old does it look? 2 or 13 is a big difference. But by your # I'd also guess at 13.

  4. #4
    Ben Christianson's Avatar
    Ben Christianson Guest

    Default Re: Age of compressor

    My Preston's guide says the Ducane AC10B24 was manufactured from 1998 to 2005. Looking at the serial number leads me to believe the date of manufacture to be around 1999, which would make it 8 - 9 years, depending on the month of manufacture.

    If you can read the seer rating, from '98 - 2001 the seer rating will be 9.5, with a btu/h rating of 24,000. 2002 - 2005 the seer ratings were bumped up to 10.2, with a btu/h rating of 22,800.

    Oh! If there was a -A (dash A) behind the model number, that was made in one year only, 1999. It too is a 9.5 seer, 24,000 btu/h rating.

    Hope this helps.


  5. #5
    Richard Rushing's Avatar
    Richard Rushing Guest

    Default Re: Age of compressor

    I'd put the condensing unit at 12 years and a couple of months.

    The compressor could very well be only 2 years old.


  6. #6
    Chris Lyons's Avatar
    Chris Lyons Guest

    Default Re: Age of compressor

    Hello all Newbie here.

    Ben I noticed you made ref to the Preston guide. Wanted to know if there are specific guides to all manufactures of Furnaces, boilers and Hot water heaters to figure out serial numbers for the manufacture date. Some of these numbers can get a little tricky.

    Thanks Chris

  7. #7
    Michael Greenwalt's Avatar
    Michael Greenwalt Guest

    Default Re: Age of compressor

    It's a Ducane, two ton, 10 seer, but you have to look at the last four numbers, 0420, manufactured 20th week of 2004. I know their reversed, a weird holdover from their oil heating codes it seems.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: Age of compressor

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Greenwalt View Post
    It's a Ducane, two ton, 10 seer, but you have to look at the last four numbers, 0420, manufactured 20th week of 2004. I know their reversed, a weird holdover from their oil heating codes it seems.

    Would you enter that information here: click on ' Date Codes/Sizing Info '


    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired


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