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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Capistrano Beach, CA

    Post Drywall suspect in woman's woe - The Desert Sun

    InspectionNews has just found the following information that might be of interest to you:

    Drywall suspect in woman's woe
    The Desert Sun
    According to letters produced by Ely, Lennar Homes contracted with Western Environmental Services, LLC based in San Diego to conduct a home inspection ...


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  2. #2
    Philippe Heller's Avatar
    Philippe Heller Guest

    Default Re: Drywall suspect in woman's woe - The Desert Sun

    Brian, These links are broken.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Santa Rosa, CA

    Default Re: Drywall suspect in woman's woe - The Desert Sun

    Looks like we have to pay a fee to read the article.

    Department of Redundancy Department
    Supreme Emperor of Hyperbole

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    St Paul, MN

    Default Re: Drywall suspect in woman's woe - The Desert Sun

    Original post is 5 months old.
    Minnesota Home Inspectors LLC
    ASHI #242887

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Snowbird (this means I'm retired and migrate between locations), FL/MI

    Default Re: Drywall suspect in woman's woe - The Desert Sun

    Here is a working link to a similar story about the SAME Homeowner (Robin Ely) in the Herald Tribune.

    Guess somebody is catching up on their reading. Yes articles about this homeowner's "woe" are from September 2009 and archieved at the Desert Sun already. The article was "fresh" when Brian made this topic post.

    Here is the promised (and still working as of today anyway) link to the Herald Tribune: In a desert town's walls, an even deeper mystery | |

    Basically its rather mysterious supposedly tests for "chinese drywall" were negative - yet a chemical reaction is still taking place with sample materials, including wood products - suspect is violation of California's restrictions on Formaldehyde contaminates, since off-gasing reactions can cause similar dark deposits on copper and other metals, and as most of us know, are a health/environmental concern (and if you don't, its the reason thousands upon thousands of manufactured homes sat idle, undistributed and unused post-Katrina. The homeowner featured in both articles (the one you have to now pay to read, and the free one I'm linking to that hasn't been archived YET) was losing her home to foreclosure, and IIRC so were several other homeonwers also interviewed and complaning about their health problems and related copper corrosion/chemical smell/health concerns.

    Last edited by H.G. Watson, Sr.; 02-28-2010 at 11:27 PM.

  6. #6
    David Bell's Avatar
    David Bell Guest

    Default Re: Drywall suspect in woman's woe - The Desert Sun

    I have a similar situation ,since my son has turned 16 he displays some very odd behavior, I/E sleeping to the crack of noon, Being very argumentative, basic lethargy. Sounds like poisoning to me. Wait. I can keep my house? Ok he's fine.


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