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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Capistrano Beach, CA

    Default Contractor fraud costs Katrina victims millions

    Herreast Harrison wanted to rebuild after Katrina and thought she did everything right: She hired a contractor who seemed kind and listened to Christian music on the job. Months later, she claimed, he pocketed $57,000 and walked off with work undone, leaving a mess behind.

    Contractor fraud costs Katrina victims millions : SearchChicago Homes : News

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Columbus GA

    Default Re: Contractor fraud costs Katrina victims millions

    Not long after Katrina, I had a man apply for work. Here's his story.
    This could have been a movie.

    Got to New Orleans, saw a sign that read " need roofers", got the job and started work, come Friday (payday) boss said " I hold back a week, you get paid next week", following Friday boss had skipped out on everyone, the boss was paying the hotel bill, got kicked out of hotel (boss had not paid hotel), he had some money so he was going to return to Columbus, the other guys he worked with beat him up and took his money, he called the police, police said " So, we can't do anything", now he has no money for gas so he left his truck there, hitched a ride home.
    So anyhow he tells me" I ain't got no tools, I ain't got no truck, and can I get an advance on pay?
    I told him " You ain't got no job either.".

    ' correct a wise man and you gain a friend... correct a fool and he'll bloody your nose'.

  3. #3
    Richard Stanley's Avatar
    Richard Stanley Guest

    Default Re: Contractor fraud costs Katrina victims millions

    Looks like all that will start again in the next few weeks.

  4. #4
    Ted Menelly's Avatar
    Ted Menelly Guest

    Default Re: Contractor fraud costs Katrina victims millions

    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Stanley View Post
    Looks like all that will start again in the next few weeks.
    Catagory 4, probably turning to 5 before it reduces again probably to a 3 or less but the storm surge will be huge.

    Coming up in south Texas.


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