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  1. #1
    daniel nantell's Avatar
    daniel nantell Guest

    Default re: Home Inspectors accident rate

    I wonder if they are any figures on how many Home Inspectors are Injured each year, and who"s insurance usually covers the Injured Inspector, the Home owners policy, or is the Inspector responsible for his own bad luck.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Spring Hill (Nashville), TN

    Default Re: Home Inspectors accident rate

    Quote Originally Posted by daniel nantell View Post
    I wonder if they are any figures on how many Home Inspectors are Injured each year, and who"s insurance usually covers the Injured Inspector, the Home owners policy, or is the Inspector responsible for his own bad luck.
    Based on my own experience I would say that the vast majority of work related home inspector injuries are due to the stupidity of the inspector. Sure some are not but I'm betting those are few and far between.

    If the home had a dangerous condition that the inspector did not know about and they were injured, I would say that the homeowner would be getting a call. I know when I was hurt at a home a few years back (stepped in a old drain that did not have a cover on it and was covered with grass) my insurance asked how I was hurt. A few weeks later I got a letter from the owners insurance company saying they were working with my insurance company to take care of my medical expenses. I never paid a dime and I did nothing but to list how and where I was hurt.

    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN


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