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  1. #1
    Kirk Hersee's Avatar
    Kirk Hersee Guest

    Default Business Slowed To A Stop

    About last October I got my final string of exterior insurance inspections. Things had been going fairly well throughout the year, but unfortunately the economic downturn affected this market as well (as I am sure other have experienced). By January this year, I began to feel the pinch and had to return to my previous p/t job working in a deli. It's steady and I get paid weekly on top of my f/t job, so I'm at least afloat again. Too bad really, because it was a welcome change in my life. Although, I went from performing hundreds of interior inspections (@ about $30 each) to the exteriors (@ $15 each), I was able to keep busy enough to make it worthwhile. Considering I could get 6/day done (on my days off from my f/t job) . . . 12/week was still working for me. Now, bigger changes have come and my place of work is closing (again) and I will be transferred to another facility with different hours and days off making it virtually impractical to continue inspecting.

    I want to thank everyone here for a great group. The information and camaraderie are priceless. But alas, I will be moving on. Hopefully, things will change down the road. Hey, maybe I can even do this when I retire.

    Again, thank you. Kirk

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Memphis TN.

    Default Re: Business Slowed To A Stop

    Hang in there Kirk,

    Join in here when you can.

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