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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Chicago, IL

    Default E-Mail from a client

    Received this from a client referred by a real estate agent, and I'm curious how others would have responded - if at all - prior to the inspection.

    Mostly, I'm going to let the inspection and report speak for themselves, but did respond prior to the Inspection, which is tomorrow.

    I'll post my response Wednesday, so as not to influence the nature of other's responses.


    Hi Michael,

    Actually I heard good things about you and that is why I want to use your service. But I have a doubt that my friend told me that the inspector referred by the realtor was not actually as responsible as it was supposed to be without the referral. As they might want to help the realtor to get the deal done without causing any problem to delay the deal. I hope you do understand what I meant here without taking it in a wrong way, as if I sound too harsh to offend you, I apologize here, but I am just kind of nervous, as this is the first time purchasing things in such huge value.

    If you have any questions, please give me a call. Otherwise, I will see you at scheduled time tomorrow.

    Thanks in advance

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    Crawl Space Creeper
    Michael Thomas
    Paragon Property Services Inc., Chicago IL

  2. #2
    James Duffin's Avatar
    James Duffin Guest

    Default Re: E-Mail from a client

    I would tell them that while I understand their concern but they have nothing to worry about. I would go on to tell that of the last 10 houses I inspected....4 of the deals fell through due to the problem found at the inspection and they were all done for clients refereed by realtors.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Spring City/Surrounding Philadelphia area

    Default Re: E-Mail from a client

    I had to read that a couple times to figure out what the client was saying but I got the gist of it.

    I too would reply that I understand their concern and I would also say they need to hire whomever they feel most comfortable with in performing the inspection. But they should also know I don't care what the end result of the sale is. Buy the house, don't buy the house. I don't care. I just want to help them understand what they are buying.

    "It takes a big man to cry. It takes an even bigger man to laugh at that man". - Jack Handey

  4. #4
    Robert Pike's Avatar
    Robert Pike Guest

    Default Re: E-Mail from a client

    Yes, I too have gotten phone calls and emails regarding the buyers concerns about an agent referring me and I till them that I work for my clients NOT the Realtors. The Realtors I work with know this and still refer me.

  5. #5
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    Mar 2007

    Default Re: E-Mail from a client

    I get these calls/emails occasionally and just tell them I understand their concerns. Then I go on to explain that neither I nor their agent could be in business for any length of time engaging in the practices they fear. I've been doing this 12 years and my company has been around 25. Of course, I totally understand if they want to seek out another inspector on their own if they are more comfortable.

    And I really mean that. I NEVER want anyone to work with me because they feel they have to. The question is a good one from an alert/skeptical buyer. I never fault anyone for questioning the process. We all do this every day (hopefully ) but most buyers get a HI a few times in their life.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Melbourne, FL

    Default Re: E-Mail from a client

    Most Realtor referrals come due to a reputation for being through and providing professional service. I have seen inspectors who show up late, forget their computers and look like they just slept in their clothes. Tell your clients who have heard some of these horror stories that if they want a professional that is what you will provide. Remember an inspector doesn't fail the house; the house fails itself we just report the facts. It is encouraging to see that buyers are doing their homework and not just relying on the Realtor's recommendation it means that we are being looked as professionals more than in the past.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: E-Mail from a client

    Quote Originally Posted by Thomas McKay View Post
    Most Realtor referrals come due to a reputation for being through and providing professional service.
    That is was not the case in South Florida when I was inspecting, and I doubt that has changed much down there either.

    Down there, most real estate agent referrals went to inspectors who 'worked with' the agents, not to any of the ones who 'worked for' the clients (unless the referral was for a family member or a personal friend, then the agents seem to understand the reason for a home inspection and refer to those whom they would never otherwise refer to - gosh, wonder why? ).

    It was just a fact of life one had to get used to.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Melbourne, FL

    Default Re: E-Mail from a client

    Jerry, to characterize all agents steer their clients to soft inspectors is unfair and unrealistic; I do work with a number agents who have ethics and are looking for inspectors who are honest and report the conditions as they see them. Unfortunately you are somewhat right in that money IE. commissions are well spent in many cases before the deal is done. If you work for the client you ultimately protect the interest of the Realtor something that is hard for them to deal with when money is involved. I chose to work with the ethical ones who respect my fiduciary relationship and professionalism to my client that way I sleep better than most.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: E-Mail from a client

    Quote Originally Posted by Thomas McKay View Post
    Jerry, to characterize all agents steer their clients to soft inspectors is unfair and unrealistic;
    Quote Originally Posted by Thomas McKay View Post
    Most Realtor referrals come due to a reputation for being through and providing professional service.
    Thomas, to characterize all agents steer their clients to good inspectors is unfair and unrealistic too - which is what you did originally. Get it?

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Melbourne, FL

    Default Re: E-Mail from a client

    Jerry sorry I wasn't clear on that one; I was referring only to the Realtors I work with; you are right most do use friendly inspectors. I think that is universal.


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