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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Rockwall Texas

    Default At the Next Boring Home Inspection Seminar

    If you are sitting in a boring seminar and want to wake the crowd up around you, try this:

    1. Quietly and calmly open up your laptop case.

    2. Remove your laptop.

    3. Start up.

    4. Make sure the guys sitting around you can see your computer monitor.

    5. Close your eyes.

    6. Tilt your head up to the sky.

    7. Move your lips as if praying.

    8. Then hit this link

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  2. #2
    Aaron Miller's Avatar
    Aaron Miller Guest

    Default Re: At the Next Boring Home Inspection Seminar


    If it's a TAREI seminar, be sure it's connected to a barrel of IEDs somewhere in the hotel, calmly put the laptop down on your chair, excuse yourself politely, and leave the room in a moderate hurry . . .


  3. #3
    Bruce Thomas's Avatar
    Bruce Thomas Guest

    Talking Re: At the Next Boring Home Inspection Seminar

    Hey Rick!

    Don't give our guys any ideas. I'm on the seminar committee for PRO-ASHI Inspect America '08 in Pittsburgh this year. You're welcome to attend but only if you don't do that.


  4. #4
    Jim Zborowski's Avatar
    Jim Zborowski Guest

    Default Re: At the Next Boring Home Inspection Seminar

    May seem funny to some people, others may fail to see the humor........especially the department of homeland security. They don't even joke about such things.

  5. #5
    Aaron Miller's Avatar
    Aaron Miller Guest

    Default Re: At the Next Boring Home Inspection Seminar

    All you Refuklicans out there can be thankful to your elected representatives and their individual-rights-shredding activities that Jim and most of the rest of the country lives in a state of paranoia about speaking their mind (while simultaneously wondering where their next paycheck, meal, mortgage payment, and medical treatment will come from). An all that in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave?

    Screw homeland security and all it stands for. It's just a euphemism for Constitution bashing, money-grabbing, big business corporate greed in action. The true terrorists live and work in Washington, D.C.

    Humor? It's truly the only thing that those of us who refuse to bend over for the bastards can use to make it all bearable.


  6. #6
    Bruce Thomas's Avatar
    Bruce Thomas Guest

    Default Re: At the Next Boring Home Inspection Seminar


    You are just going to have to get over your shyness and learn to speak up when the urge hits you.


  7. #7
    Aaron Miller's Avatar
    Aaron Miller Guest

    Default Re: At the Next Boring Home Inspection Seminar


    I'm working on it. They threw me out of my Dale Carnegie course a couple of times a few decades ago. Go figure . . .


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: At the Next Boring Home Inspection Seminar

    Quote Originally Posted by Aaron Miller View Post

    I'm working on it. They threw me out of my Dale Carnegie course a couple of times a few decades ago. Go figure . . .


    I was voted as "Most Improved" in my Dale Carnegie course.

    You should have seen me before that course.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  9. #9
    Aaron Miller's Avatar
    Aaron Miller Guest

    Default Re: At the Next Boring Home Inspection Seminar

    You should have seen me before that course.

    Now why would you wish that on anyone . . .


  10. #10
    Jim Zborowski's Avatar
    Jim Zborowski Guest

    Default Re: At the Next Boring Home Inspection Seminar

    Sorry but I'm not paranoid, I'm just trying to point out there would be severe ramifications for such actions as dictated by the homeland security act.
    Heck, I once took a fake handgrenade to a meeting to ease the tension between us and a customer. It worked too, of course they liked it so much I had to give it to them, lol.
    No way you could do that today. The hard fact is, our world is not the same as it was before 9-11. For the sake of the thousands of people who were affected by what happened , we need to take it seriously, not joke about their loss.

  11. #11
    Aaron Miller's Avatar
    Aaron Miller Guest

    Default Re: At the Next Boring Home Inspection Seminar

    The hard fact is, our world is not the same as it was before 9-11. For the sake of the thousands of people who were affected by what happened , we need to take it seriously, not joke about their loss.
    Actually, the world is the pretty much the same, it's the people in it that have changed; and not for the better. 9-11 had little or nothing to do with the enactment of the department of homeland security {sic}. One is simply being used as an excuse for the other.

    Wave the flag, eat apple pie and call you mom all you like. No one made fun of the people who died in NY. The humor is being directed at those who feel that having their rights usurped under the guise of being "better protected" is somehow OK. It's not. It never has been. It never will be.

    Get your priorities straight.



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