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  1. #1
    John Duncan's Avatar
    John Duncan Guest

    Smile Hiya from a new inspector!

    I'm John Duncan, a new inspector in Southwest Missouri. I've been lurking here a few months now, and just wanted to say thank you for providing such an educational resource. I've been studying for the past six months, using the Homexam system from Larry Reavis plus every book on construction codes, heat exchangers, and electricity I can lay my hands on. I've now started the practical part of my education - I just finished my first practice inspection a few weeks ago. I learned two things from this: 1.) It always takes longer than you think, and 2.) I could very happily do this the rest of my life. The "client" (a coworker) was thrilled with the job I did, which left me walking on air. I hope I can do as well for my future clients as well. It's going to be an uphill battle (no, haven't quit my day job ), especially with the economy in the state its in these days, but I'm looking forward to what I believe will be a satisfying career. Anyway, keep posting so we all can keep learning!
    -John L. Duncan
    Duncan Home Inspection Services

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  2. #2
    Ron Bibler's Avatar
    Ron Bibler Guest

    Default Re: Hiya from a new inspector!

    Welcome John... your what the place need a good lurker. is that anything like a peeping Tom? L.O.L. Just messing with ya.

    Don't let the economy get you thinking you can make it... just go do it.



    P.S. Surf up Dude...


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