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  1. #1
    JAC JACQMIN's Avatar

    Default New to posting, not to Inspecting

    New to posting, not to Inspecting
    I have never posted but have been lurking and learning from all the Member posts.
    About me:
    Inspecting Residential and Commercial Properties in the So. Ca. Counties for over 15 years.
    A 203 K HUD Certified Inspector, and a Level one Mold Inspector.
    A few times a year I travel around the Western States Inspecting Shopping Malls and Commercial Buildings. So for a large Commercial Property Management Co.
    After hiring and attempting to train additional Inspectors I returned to being the sole proprietor of my Co.
    Now I am waiting out the down turn in the Real Estate industry.
    So howdy to all of you Inspectors and hoping all are doing well.
    Jac Jacqmin

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  2. #2
    Clint White's Avatar
    Clint White Guest

    Default Re: New to posting, not to Inspecting

    Welcom Jac,

    You've found a great place, with alot of great people.


  3. #3
    Ron Bibler's Avatar
    Ron Bibler Guest

    Default Re: New to posting, not to Inspecting

    Quote Originally Posted by JAC JACQMIN View Post

    I have been lurking Jac Jacqmin
    Say we could use a guy like you around this place...

    Lurking is under rated... Keep up the lurking...




    P.S. I move out of So.Ca. in 1974. Hacienda heights.

  4. #4
    JAC JACQMIN's Avatar

    Default Re: New to posting, not to Inspecting

    Ron... I moved here w/parents in 48. I am ingrained into the So. Ca. way of doing business.
    I wanted to relocate in Prescott AZ. While there checking it out for a week, I spent one half of my time there on the cel with job referalls.
    As much as I dislike So. Ca. I could not leave the amount of [before the down turn] business I do here.
    We have a home in Baja Mexico where I think I will end up when retired.

    This seems to be a great forum for us picky types, translates; to
    Professional Property Inspectors!
    Keep up the super educational topics.
    If you get up any day and don't learn something it was not worth getting up!


  5. #5
    Ron Bibler's Avatar
    Ron Bibler Guest

    Default Re: New to posting, not to Inspecting

    Quote Originally Posted by JAC JACQMIN View Post
    Ron... I moved here w/parents in 48. I am ingrained into the So. Ca. way of doing business.
    I wanted to relocate in Prescott AZ. While there checking it out for a week, I spent one half of my time there on the cel with job referalls.
    As much as I dislike So. Ca. I could not leave the amount of [before the down turn] business I do here.
    We have a home in Baja Mexico where I think I will end up when retired.

    This seems to be a great forum for us picky types, translates; to
    Professional Property Inspectors!
    Keep up the super educational topics.
    If you get up any day and don't learn something it was not worth getting up!

    Im still a Ca. boy. just up the coast about an Hr north of S.F... I think i have the best of all worlds in this area. L.A. Was a fun place to grow up. in my time. I just had to see other way of like the So. Cal thing. Thants another world down there now. I stop in on Taco Flats about year ago. what a changes the Hights has gone under. Not the same old place.

    If you have work in the day and age keep it going. L.A. Is a very easy place to make a living. So much going on 24/7/365




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