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Thread: New From PA

  1. #1
    John Benson's Avatar
    John Benson Guest

    Default New From PA

    Good day everyone. My name is John Benson and I am a real estate marketing consultant in Western Pennsylvania.

    I am hoping to learn a lot about the home inspection process from this message board, as I am still relatively new to marketing for the real estate industry.

    Do home inspectors even need marketing? Either way, I hope to learn a lot about the home inspection part of the real estate industry by hopping around this message board.

    Crawl Space Creeper

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Fredericksburg, VA

    Default Re: New From PA

    Welcome John. Word of warning. Do not use any term that includes the words, sub and panel.

    Do Inspectors need marketing? Well, in short, yes. I prefer direct client contact but a lot of guys survive with only Real Estate Agent referrals. Some have made hanging out in realty offices with brownies, doughnuts, and other goodies a primary marketing method. Some have developed a camaraderie with a few Realtors by never producing a negative inspection report. Some build a clientele and depend on word-of-mouth referrals. Others put together a good web site and pull in independent buyers. Some combine a little of all or some of the preceding. Things that have been a total loser in my marketing efforts, "Yellow Pages", Newspaper, pens, trinkets, gadgets, t-shirts, and caps. The one consistent plus has been my web page and SEO. 95% of my work has come from the web site. The whole web site will be updated in the next month with a new look, new reference and document material, and better SEO.

    The above statements are expressed solely as my opinion and in all probability will conflict with someone else's.
    Stu, Fredericksburg VA


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