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  1. #1
    Jack Harris's Avatar
    Jack Harris Guest

    Default New member from Florida Panhandle

    Hi Y'all,

    I'm actually new in the inspection field. I'm a state certified builder. After a few windstorm jobs on the beach, I was approached by one of the inspection companies about doing some inspections in the three county area, and have been inspecting ever since. Not before they made me do a little education. Anyway, I've enjoyed it. I'm also enjoying this website. I have already learned a lot from reading threads from many of you. I only do Windstorm, Roof, and 4-point inspections so you are all way ahead of me. Anyway . . . thought I'd say "hi."

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    Crawl Space Creeper

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: New member from Florida Panhandle

    Welcome aboard, Jack.

    Is it really nice in Niceville? (Arrggg ... sorry, but it just came out. )

    I would see the road signs for Niceville whenever I went to Destin to help out the city there. I always went I-10 to 331 and south, coming from the east as I did, so never made it through Niceville.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  3. #3
    Jack Harris's Avatar
    Jack Harris Guest

    Default Re: New member from Florida Panhandle

    Actually Jerry . . . it is very nice in Niceville and of course we always have the Mullet Festival to look forward to every October . . . Niceville Florida Community Web Site | Niceville FL Community Web Site from Niceville, FL. Evidently you know your way around. We now have a toll bridge from Niceville direct into Destin which makes life much easier than going around through Freeport or Ft. Walton Beach.

  4. #4
    Dennis Krouse's Avatar
    Dennis Krouse Guest

    Default Re: New member from Florida Panhandle

    As a fellow Floridian welcome! I hope with that mullet thing your talking fish and not haircuts.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Spring Hill (Nashville), TN

    Default Re: New member from Florida Panhandle

    Since you are from Florida; do you know what is going on with the home inspection license law that goes into effect in 2010?

    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  6. #6
    Jack Harris's Avatar
    Jack Harris Guest

    Default Re: New member from Florida Panhandle

    Scott, basically I only know that it takes effect on July1st, and has several requirements that have to be met in order to become certified as a home inspector. Mold requirements are in addition to the standard requirements. There is a grandfather clause, but I don't see where it give you much space. Requirements still require testing and insurance, etc. Of course most of the home inspectors that I run across could probably already pass that test. It doesn't really affect me in the type of inspections that I do, but I plan on taking the course anyway.

  7. #7
    Jack Harris's Avatar
    Jack Harris Guest

    Default Re: New member from Florida Panhandle

    Dennis, Thank you. Welcome to you too. Yes . . . to me Mullet is only a fish and a great on. We honor the mullet every year at our annual Mullet Festival which brings in many of thousands of people from all over and some great bands too. Check it out at: Niceville Florida Community Web Site | Niceville FL Community Web Site from Niceville, FL


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