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  1. #1
    Fernando Pinto's Avatar
    Fernando Pinto Guest

    Question 1994 dade county code

    Can any one tell me weather the 1994 Dade county building code was enforced state wide?

    If a roof was replaced in 2000 in Sarasota, should it meet 1994 Dade County code?

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  2. #2
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    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: 1994 Dade county code

    Quote Originally Posted by Fernando Pinto View Post
    Can any one tell me weather the 1994 Dade county building code was enforced state wide?

    If a roof was replaced in 2000 in Sarasota, should it meet 1994 Dade County code?

    The South Florida Building Code, Dade County was only enforced in Dade County (now Miami-Dade County).

    The South Florida Building Code, Broward County was only enforced in Broward County.

    At least that is to my knowledge, it is possible, although highly unlikely, that another county adopted either South Florida Building Code. Prior to the 2001 Florida Building Code which went into effect in 2002 most (but not all) of the state was using the Standard Building Codes (the other areas mostly used the Uniform Building Code).

    You would need to check with the local building department to verify what they were using in 2000.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  3. #3
    Fernando Pinto's Avatar
    Fernando Pinto Guest

    Default Re: 1994 dade county code

    Thank you Jerry.


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