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  1. #1
    Bob Phoenix's Avatar
    Bob Phoenix Guest

    Default Hey! It's the FNG from Florida's Treasure Coast...

    Howdy All,
    I just wandered upon this site and thought I'd drop in...

    I've been a building inspector, a plans examiner and a building official for the past... Uh, quite a while and before that I was a life safety inspector for ratarded group homes... I mean group homes for people with retardation... Although there were a few home managers who... Well, never mind...

    I started that back in the mid eighties... Ten years prior to that I was an architectural assitant and I only began doing that because I wanted to get in out of the field after swinging a hammer in New England for ten years...

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Rockwall Texas

    Default Re: Hey! It's the FNG from Florida's Treasure Coast...

    I assume FNG means the F-ing New Guy.

  3. #3
    Ron Bibler's Avatar
    Ron Bibler Guest

    Default Re: Hey! It's the FNG from Florida's Treasure Coast...

    2+2 = 4 Rick.... your on a roll baby.

    Hey ___ ___ ___ NEW GUY...

    Welcome I think

    Jump in sometime...



  4. #4
    Bob Phoenix's Avatar
    Bob Phoenix Guest

    Default Re: Hey! It's the FNG from Florida's Treasure Coast...

    Thanks all,
    I hope I can be a "contributing" member to the forum...
    BTW: Ron... Nice scooter...


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