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  1. #1
    David Selman's Avatar
    David Selman Guest

    Default New North Texas Home Inspector

    Hello fellow home inspectors! My name is David Selman and I am new to this forum. I hope to both learn from this news forum and contribute. Based in Red Oak, Texas, I am working to build my business in N. Texas.

    David Selman
    Selman Home Inspections
    Home Inspection Professionals With A Free Limited Warranty

    Similar Threads:
    Crawl Space Creeper

  2. #2
    Ron Bibler's Avatar
    Ron Bibler Guest

    Default Re: New North Texas Home Inspector

    Welcome David... So from Plaino where are you ?

    I'm just west of you I think



    P.S. Stay away from Rick He's like not into new inspectors in his area.

  3. #3
    David Selman's Avatar
    David Selman Guest

    Default Re: New North Texas Home Inspector

    Thanks Ron. If you are in Plano, I am in Red Oak which is about 45 minutes south on I45. Red Oak is between Lancaster and Waxahachie.

    David Selman
    Selman Home Inspections

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Rockwall Texas

    Default Re: New North Texas Home Inspector


    Ron is in California.

    Dont' listen to Ron's comments about me. He's heard rumors about a few inspectors come up missing in my area and I'm the first to get blamed.

    I'm sure they just fell off the boat or something.

    Call me sometime and I'll take you out shooting. I'll let you fire off a few rounds. Here's a buddy of mine having a good time.

    YouTube - Shooting an UZI


  5. #5
    David Selman's Avatar
    David Selman Guest

    Default Re: New North Texas Home Inspector

    Nice to meet you Rick. I love to hunt and shoot. Great fun. Did not renew my hunting lease this year so I will greatly miss it.

    How is business for you in Rockwall? I am finding it very difficult to land inspection jobs anywhere in North Texas.

    Please provide your contact info including website. Hope to meet you in person sometime.

    David Selman
    Selman Home Inspections
    Home Inspection Professionals With A Free Limited Warranty

  6. #6
    Ron Bibler's Avatar
    Ron Bibler Guest

    Default Re: New North Texas Home Inspector

    I have a daughter and son-in-law and 3 grand kids in plaino... Going get out that was some day.

    Good to see you and Rick are off on a good foot




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