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  1. #1
    Richard Callaway's Avatar
    Richard Callaway Guest

    Post Another Newby from California to this forum

    My name is Rich Callaway, just wanted to introduce myself to the forum. I find forums such as this one a valuable tool to gain knowledge as well as inspiration. I have recently finished the Kaplan online course and have also joined ASHI. I plan to join the local chapter very soon.

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  2. #2
    Louie Flores's Avatar
    Louie Flores Guest

    Default Re: Another Newby from California to this forum

    Welcome aboard Richard.

  3. #3
    Scott Murdock's Avatar
    Scott Murdock Guest

    Default Re: Another Newby from California to this forum

    Welcome aboard and good luck!

  4. #4
    Mitchell Toelle's Avatar
    Mitchell Toelle Guest

    Default Re: Another Newby from California to this forum

    Please consider CREIA as well (or instead of). In conjunction with CCI they are more knowledgable regarding requirements for the industry in California and up-coming potential legislation in California. Stick with this "most excellent board".

    You will find information about CREIA by clicking on the "Associations" button at the left of this page. Welcome and good luck.

  5. #5
    Scott Murdock's Avatar
    Scott Murdock Guest

    Default Re: Another Newby from California to this forum

    Quote Originally Posted by Mitchell Toelle View Post
    Please consider CREIA as well (or instead of). In conjunction with CCI they are more knowledgable regarding requirements for the industry in California and up-coming potential legislation in California. Stick with this "most excellent board".

    You will find information about CREIA by clicking on the "Associations" button at the left of this page. Welcome and good luck.

    I second that about joining CREIA. ASHI is great but CREIA is all about what we deal with here in California. I have been told that when the lawyers pull out standards to look at for a case CREIA's are the first they look at for the state of California. They have contracts made just for our state and known issues that we run across. Everyone at the CREIA office is very helpful and chapter meeting are easy to find. ASHI meetings are a lot more spread out and harder to find at least in my area.
    Don't get me wrong ASHI has great information and have the inspectors back. To be involved with both can't hurt you.

  6. #6
    Ron Bibler's Avatar
    Ron Bibler Guest

    Default Re: Another Newby from California to this forum

    Welcome. I get to ride my bike out your way from time to time...




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