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  1. #1
    Chris Doskas's Avatar
    Chris Doskas Guest

    Default Hopefully a home inspector

    Hello all;

    I am currently taking classes in Ontario, Canada to be a home inspector it is a lot of work but I am enjoying it, its the Carson Dunlop program and will be a long journey from September to August. The amount of information that you have to learn is overwhelming. So all respect to all of you also any tips on what to expect after school other than be insured and join the associations

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  2. #2
    mathew stouffer's Avatar
    mathew stouffer Guest

    Default Re: Hopefully a home inspector

    Read this site everyday. You will learn more here then in any class. Plus if you can do some ride alongs that will be very helpful.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Philadelphia PA

    Default Re: Hopefully a home inspector

    Quote Originally Posted by mathew stouffer View Post
    Read this site everyday. You will learn more here then in any class. Plus if you can do some ride alongs that will be very helpful.
    This site is a great resource and I also second Mathew's advice about doing ride-alongs, as many as possible. There's nothing like watching experienced home inspectors in action to show you how it's done. Dealing with the various people involved, such as clients, sellers and agents, is a big part of the job.

    "There is no exception to the rule that every rule has an exception." -James Thurber, writer and cartoonist (1894-1961)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Charlotte NC

    Default Re: Hopefully a home inspector

    Practice your routine until it is second nature. Practice on your own home and all of your friends homes. I always go to the left and do the entire room to the left until I come back to the beginning. I chose going to the left because I can check outlets with my left hand next to the wall and my right hand can take pic's. Then onto the next room to the left, etc. Decide how you will handle rooms or halls that are in the middle. You would be surprised at how easy it is to miss entire rooms if you don't follow a set routine.

    Good luck and keep watching this site. (Don't be afraid to post a question or opinion).

  5. #5
    mathew stouffer's Avatar
    mathew stouffer Guest

    Default Re: Hopefully a home inspector

    A good tip an inspector gave me was once around the exteroir clockwise once counter clockwise. It's amazing what you see the second time.

  6. #6
    Chris Doskas's Avatar
    Chris Doskas Guest

    Default Re: Hopefully a home inspector

    Thank you for the advice I have been spending some time looking through this site, It is really good as a visual tool as well a good knowlege base on what is oit there. As far as the ride along thing there is an association that puts you out on a mentorship to get your required home inspections to get national certified so that should really help getting my hands on. I know that once I am done school I may have a [FONT='Calibri','sans-serif']certificate I am not an inspector without hands on.[/FONT]

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Montreal, QC, Canada

    Default Re: Hopefully a home inspector

    at least you are taking the C & D course.

    That is the first good decision u made.

    Keep up and u will surely succeed

    It is sites like this which will keep u informed. Lots of good guys here.

    Keep visiting often



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