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  1. #1
    Shawn Watkins's Avatar
    Shawn Watkins Guest

    Default Newbie in Alabama here

    Hey guys,

    New to the site. I appreciate all of you out there that aren't afraid to share your advice with new inspectors. I've been a part time inspector for about three years now and I continue to run into some of the more experienced inspectors that run the other way when you menion that you are new to the business. I could understand if these guys were in my market area, but they are not. I look forward to learning a few things on here, and maybe one day, passing on a few nuggets myself.


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  2. #2
    Jonathan Cartwright's Avatar
    Jonathan Cartwright Guest

    Default Re: Newbie in Alabama here

    Welcome and thanks for dropping by. There is a ton or more of information to be had here.


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