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  1. #1
    Marin Mihalache's Avatar
    Marin Mihalache Guest

    Default Hello Everyone, I am Mihai from Romania EU , over the ocean….looking for a course

    I am looking for a course for energetic auditors for buildings to be recognice in EU
    I am a bank officer and I need to find an online course because my job does not allow me
    In Romania is a deficit of energetic auditors for buildings
    Can anybody help me ?

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  2. #2
    Ron Bibler's Avatar
    Ron Bibler Guest

    Default Re: Hello Everyone, I am Mihai from Romania EU , over the ocean….looking for a course

    Welcome to the board... You should start with some of the colleges or some online sites and find the one that work for you...

    I don't think we have any guys on this board that do Energy Performance work...



  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Georgetown, KY

    Default Re: Hello Everyone, I am Mihai from Romania EU , over the ocean….looking for a course


    In the English Language it's called "ENERGY" not energetic as in "Energy Audit".

    Google for "Online Energy Audit Training" and you'll get better results.

    Here's just one of the online course availabilities.

    Saturn Online: Online Training for Energy Auditors (HERS, Building Analyst)

    No slam intended on the English correction. Just wanted to help you get better Google results.

    Hey, you do two languages and I'm stuck with English and "Ein Bier Bitte!" Though I must admit, I've picked up a little hill-billy since moving to Kentucky.


    Erby Crofutt, Georgetown, KY - Read my Blog here: Erby the Central Kentucky Home Inspector B4 U Close Home Inspections
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  4. #4
    A.D. Miller's Avatar
    A.D. Miller Guest

    Default Re: Hello Everyone, I am Mihai from Romania EU , over the ocean….looking for a course

    MM: It is my understanding that energy rating regulations have not been standardized or uniformly adopted throughout the EU. You will likely need to be certified in each country where you will be working.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Philadelphia PA

    Default Re: Hello Everyone, I am Mihai from Romania EU , over the ocean….looking for a course

    Can't help with your specific question. Just wanted to say that a couple years ago my wife and I visited Bucharest, Brasov, Bran and some other parts of Romania, and last night we watched the film "Police, Adjective", Romania's official entry for the Academy Awards.


    "There is no exception to the rule that every rule has an exception." -James Thurber, writer and cartoonist (1894-1961)


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