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  1. #1
    Howard Magathan's Avatar
    Howard Magathan Guest

    Default New Kansas H.I. / need Insurance

    Hello to all.

    I'm looking for some help in finding general liability insurance at a fair price. The "NEW" Kansas Home Inspectors Board requires a min. of $100,000.00. I got a quote from my local agent for $2,500.00. That sounds way out of line, to me. I'm thinking it should be more in the $400.00 to $500.00 range?

    Thanks for your help
    Howard Magathan
    Emporia, Kansas

    Similar Threads:
    OREP Insurance

  2. #2
    David McGuire's Avatar
    David McGuire Guest

    Default Re: New Kansas H.I. / need Insurance

    Howard have you called Allen Insurance? 800-474-4472 or you can try the web page

  3. #3
    Howard Magathan's Avatar
    Howard Magathan Guest

    Default Re: New Kansas H.I. / need Insurance


    Thanks for the info. I will check into it.

    I've been doing ( ASHI ) inspections, part time, since 1989, but was never "required" to have insurance before. Oh well; I want to do every thing "by the book" as I plan to become a full time inspector in Kansas.

    Howard Magathan
    Emporia, Kansas

  4. #4
    Bob Garza's Avatar
    Bob Garza Guest

    Default Re: New Kansas H.I. / need Insurance

    Call Wally Glaser in St. Louis.

    His # is 314.725.8394 extension 278.

    I'm going to purchase my insurance through him.

    He's super helpful and his rates are very reasonable.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Nampa, Idaho

    Post Re: New Kansas H.I. / need Insurance

    When checking around for insurance be aware of the difference between general liability and professional liability AKA errors and omissions (E&O) insurance. I get my E&O through OREP. They have good rates are pretty easy to deal with. General liability covers you for things like your ladder falling on a home owners Mercedes, it will not protect you from clients suing you for something you missed.


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