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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Ludlow, Maine - Aroostook County, near Houlton

    Default Greetings From Aroostook County, Maine

    I'm trying to find my way around this site. Right now, I'm doing only radon testing - registered in Maine for residential measurement radon in air (reg # ME24000C) and certified through NEHE/NRPP (ID # 105892RT) I am interested in all aspects of home/building inspection and tend to be more of a "listener" than a "speaker"

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    Inspection Referral

  2. #2
    William Brady's Avatar
    William Brady Guest

    Default Re: Greetings From Aroostook County, Maine

    Hello Janet,

    It may seem that I would be very far from Maine, however I didn't always live down here. Spent a number of years in MA and have been to your beauiful state many time. Love Camden. Now to this business. Not a great time to start with housing being slow to move. First thing you need to do if you are interested in doing this work is to get some good training. Research your state HI licensing, if they have it, and go to a school that follows it. My recommendation would be where I trained several years ago. Many schools around the country do this so look at them all and make a good choice. One step at a time and no rush since you are not missing anything at this time. Make sure also that you get to know realtors in your area. Not all will agree with that statement but my business has profited from good relationships with Realtors. Let us know if you need or have a question.

    Good luck.


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