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  1. #1
    Johnny Carrillo's Avatar
    Johnny Carrillo Guest

    Default New member greeting

    Hello to all members. I am in my 5th year as owner/inspectior of National Property Inspections in the Inland Empire area of southern California. Hope to learn and possibly provide helpful insight on some operating matters concerning our industry. At the moment, averaging about 3 to 4 inspections a week with some draw & commercial jobs scatterred throughout the month. Is this the norm for this present time at other inspection companies?

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  2. #2
    Mitchell Toelle's Avatar
    Mitchell Toelle Guest

    Default Re: New member greeting

    No replies yet? Hmmm... Pretty nornal for now in my area too. Some are doing better but they are smoozing big time with the Realtors. Not really my habit. Most Realtors don't like that I actually do a "professional" Inspection.

    It's not my Report or's not my manner of scheduling or my professional is, however, the content of my Reports.

    Maybe you're doing something right. BTW, are you a member of CREIA yet, and if not, why? Is there another Association you're a member of, like ASHI or NAHI? Hopefully not the other know InterNxxxxx.


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