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  1. #1
    Albert McCabe's Avatar
    Albert McCabe Guest

    Default Introduction and Happy New Year

    Hello, my name is Albert McCabe and I will be starting up a new inspection business here in Arizona. I have been following the forum for several months now and have enjoyed the education from those that have been contributing to the forum. I hope that 2011 proves to be a prosperous year for all of you.
    Best regards,
    Albert McCabe

    Similar Threads:
    Inspection Referral

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Atlanta, Georgia

    Default Re: Introduction and Happy New Year

    Good luck with your new business.

    What prompted you to become a home inspector and why now?

    "The Code is not a peak to reach but a foundation to build from."

  3. #3
    Albert McCabe's Avatar
    Albert McCabe Guest

    Default Re: Introduction and Happy New Year

    Hello Bruce, I have been doing QA Inspections in California for both commercial and residential buildings for the past four years. Just moved to the Phoenix area last week from San Jose, as this is the area we would like to retire to in about 10 years. Currently waiting for the state to issue my license which was just approved on the 21st of December. I am looking forward to getting the business started and growing. Good luck to you in this New Year.
    Best regards,


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