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  1. #1
    Z. Swieca's Avatar
    Z. Swieca Guest

    Default Hi from San Antonio TX

    [FONT='Verdana','sans-serif']Hi all.
    New here, new to home inspection and new to San Antonio TX. I'm looking for ride along with some home inspectors in San Antonio.
    I'm 42, Responsible, Honest, and have great people skills.
    Thanks for your time and consideration.
    Respectfully yours,

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  2. #2
    Richard Rushing's Avatar
    Richard Rushing Guest

    Default Re: Hi from San Antonio TX

    Hello Zbigniew,

    Welcome to the board. It's a tough-time out there these days, with the market down, to be breaking into the business. There are alot of good folks who frequent this board, some of who might be able to assist with ride alongs. I'm not too sure how many folks we have here from the SA area though....

    Spend alot of your time and get familiar with the 'search' feature on this board and read some of the old threads as well as the new ones. This board is a great resource of information and will provide you with a wealth of knowledge over time (alot of time).

    There are alot of good Tx. inspectors here to draw a good base of knowledge from, so by all means, don't be afraid or shy to ask questions...

    Good luck with your new endeavour and I wish you well.



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