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Thread: new kid in town

  1. #1
    Logan Jones's Avatar
    Logan Jones Guest

    Default new kid in town

    Hello everyone, my name is Logan Jones Im a new ahit certified potential inspector in the process of earning my state certification. I live in northeast Oregon and am looking forward to starting a new line of work which is now a reality being that I have been laid off from my steady commercial construction job. For the last 16 years I have worked for the same contractor as a concrete finisher and carpenter and alot of other titles in between. Becoming a home inspector is going to be a good alternative for me I think and I am glad to be a new member to this site and I look forward to learning from and interacting with you all. If any of you have any extra time to post some advice on getting started in the ispection business it would be greatly appriciatred, thank you.

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    Last edited by Logan Jones; 04-27-2011 at 08:00 AM. Reason: forgot something
    OREP Insurance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Las Vegas, NV

    Default Re: new kid in town

    Logan, Welcome to the board and the business! Sounds like you have a strong background in the trades. Be careful that doesn't trip you up with the compulsion to get too technical with the general public. You will find out what that means as you gain experience.

    Also, half this business is running a business and all that entails. It can include advertising, meeting clients, advertising, office work, financial items like taxes and licensing, advertising, dealing with agents and, did I mention, advertising?

    You have a great start just by accessing this forum. I urge you to read it every day and download pertinent images and information to your files for future reference on the job. There is a treasure trove here!

    Good Luck!

    Beacon Inspection Services
    Proudly Serving the Greater Henderson and Las Vegas Valley Area in Southern Nevada!
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  3. #3
    Gary Smith's Avatar
    Gary Smith Guest

    Default Re: new kid in town

    Mr. Jones, good luck! You'll do fine! Like Bob mentioned, keep your nose to the grind stone and describe what you see.

    We're here if you need us!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    so so, California

    Default Re: new kid in town

    Run while there is still time...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Morris, Illinois

    Default Re: new kid in town

    What Bob said . . . Good Luck!

    (815) 941-2345


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