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  1. #1
    David Argabright's Avatar
    David Argabright Guest

    Default Chapter newsletter

    Hi Folks;

    I'm trying to re-establish a chapter newsletter but don't want the same old things. Some of the timely content will be from the powers that be but I'm looking for interesting topics from other places that I can use with permission.

    I envision this going not only to members in the chapter but also to any inspectors that are interested at no charge.

    How about a few pointers, guidence, recommendations, or ideas about what you as an a new or experianced inspector would like to see.

    Thanks for any help you can give.
    David A.

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  2. #2
    Joe Nernberg's Avatar
    Joe Nernberg Guest

    Talking Re: Chapter newsletter

    Hi David,

    I have attached the current newsletter for my local CREIA chapter. Hope it helps.

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