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06-29-2011, 08:42 PM #1
How do I become a Home Inspector in Alabama?
Hey Guys,
I am getting ready to retire in a few months, and I would be tossing the thought around, so how can I become a certified home inspector in Alabama?
I have been reading some requirements, which seem confusing...
one site stated that you have to take this home inspection exam, so is this something you can take online, or is classroom required?
then on another site it stated you had to take this same exam plus you have to have a contractors lic? seriously? Do you really need a contractors lic? thats like telling me that I need a pilots lic, but you are never going to fly....
then I went to the states website, and read something like:
In order to get certified, you have to send proof that you have
completed 100 paid home are they suggesting that I conduct 100 illegal paid home inspections before I can apply?
maybe some of you experts can help sort this out...
I would like to do something other then sit at home and get older....
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06-30-2011, 06:04 AM #2
Re: How do I become a Home Inspector in Alabama?
Alabama has a website with the information. Granted at first glance it is a bit confusing. If you read the application form closely you have to do ONE of several choices to be qualified. 1) Belong to a home inspector association, 2) Hold an "approval or certication" from ICC, VA, HUD, SBCC, or 3) Hold another license including contractor, architect, or engineer. You must also be a high school grad or hold a GED.
Then you must pass the NHIE, National Home Inspection Exam and the ASHI COE and SOP exam. NHIE is a 200 question test you take at a proctored testing center. About $250. National Home Inspector Examination - The Examination Board of Professional Home Inspectors The ASHI COE/SOP test is an online test for $85. American Society of Home Inspectors
Go to the website below for all the paperwork. Call the commision and ask them what they want and explain to them the website does not make sense to you. That is their job. Better now to find out who is going to be jerking your chain before you get licensed and have no clue.
Alabama Building Commission
Phyllis Thomas (334) 242-4810
Home Inspector's / EIFS Coordinator
770 Washington Ave., Ste. 444
Montgomery, AL 36104
P.S. Many states allow General Contractors, Licensed Engineers, and Architects to become Home Inspectors with no additional training or requirements. Fairly standard exclusion in many Home Inspector licensing laws. Used to be pretty common for people to get their GC license and then walk down to the HI department to get their HI license. Then they let their GC license lapse next renewal cycle.
Last edited by Bruce Ramsey; 06-30-2011 at 06:16 AM.
"The Code is not a peak to reach but a foundation to build from."
06-30-2011, 06:32 AM #3
Re: How do I become a Home Inspector in Alabama?
The idea is that to get a GC license, you had to know something about buildings and possibly building code. If you can pass the GC entrance requirements, then you have the technical knowledge to inspect homes. That is the premise. There are large holes in that concept.
then I went to the states website, and read something like:
In order to get certified, you have to send proof that you have completed 100 paid home are they suggesting that I conduct100 illegal paid home inspections before I can apply?
North Carolina used to have an apprentice program. You performed inspections under the guidance of a licensed inspector for the first 100 inspections. The definition of guidance was very loose and was abused so the state did away with the apprentice program and replaced it with a 3 week education requirement.
I would like to do something other then sit at home and get older....
The real question is do you want to run a business during retirement.The actual inspecting and report writing is fun but you are opening and running a business and all that entails. Taxes, accounting, book keeping, advertising, marketing, logos, websites, etc. While you may think of it as a hobby, it is a business and requires a lot of commitment and time.
Not going to ask the question of why you want to become a home inspector during the worst down turn in the housing industry in recordable history. When licensed and experienced home inspectors with large referral bases are leaving the industry in droves because they can't make a living, how are you with no previous experience or building knowledge going to be successful?
Last edited by Bruce Ramsey; 06-30-2011 at 08:16 PM.
"The Code is not a peak to reach but a foundation to build from."
06-30-2011, 06:40 AM #4
Re: How do I become a Home Inspector in Alabama?
Somewhere in the game plan should be a "pray for business."
Eric Barker, ACI
Lake Barrington, IL
06-30-2011, 10:54 PM #5
Re: How do I become a Home Inspector in Alabama?
07-01-2011, 07:43 PM #6
Re: How do I become a Home Inspector in Alabama?
Why is it that these guys think that being a home inspector is the thing to do once they "retire" is beyond me. Do they think there is no hard work involved at all at doing home inspections? Do they think cause they own a home and can operate a thermostat makes them possibly qualified. Let them walk the roofs, crawl the crawlspaces and deal with the heat and cold and lets see if its the easy money they thought it was.
07-01-2011, 11:04 PM #7
Re: How do I become a Home Inspector in Alabama?
You mean to say that being at the beckon call of the prospective client 7 days a week, from 7-5 (or they'll find someone else) and then staying up all night writing reports, dealing with all the calls, marketing, dealing with agents, sellers, other inspectors whoring themselves, frozen fingers in the winter and sweating you a$$ off in the summer just to be married to the inspection for the next 5 years. Dont get me started on insurance.
Mazza Inspections and stuff...
07-07-2011, 03:30 AM #8
Re: How do I become a Home Inspector in Alabama?
Mark & Rick,
David didn't say what his past job was, so he may have worked harder and have as much experience as the rest of us. Yes home inspection is hard work, there is the business side of it, the marketing the realtors and the insurance. Why did any of us get in the Home Inspection business: each home is different, meaning each day is different, you enjoy what you are doing, you get to help people, you get to be outside, and you are your own boss. The only reason David should reconsider is that the housing market is almost depleted.
07-07-2011, 10:53 PM #9
Re: How do I become a Home Inspector in Alabama?
Mazza Inspections and stuff...
07-12-2011, 03:48 PM #10
Re: How do I become a Home Inspector in Alabama?
Unless you are retiring at the age of 35 this wouldn't be the smartest choice for a 60+ to start. If it was me I would think of a beach job
07-13-2011, 03:42 AM #11
Re: How do I become a Home Inspector in Alabama?
I'm 60 plus and I think that it is a great career, it allows plenty of beach time. Also the joy of being outside, (even in winter in the Northeast) and being able to see and do something different every day makes it a good choice.
07-13-2011, 08:10 AM #12
Re: How do I become a Home Inspector in Alabama?'ll be doing somethng different for sure. Walking/standing for up to 8 hours a day, staying up all night writing reports..
I havent seen the beach all summer and I live in CA... Do some ride alongs with different inspectors before you get too heavily invested.
Mazza Inspections and stuff...
07-13-2011, 08:22 AM #13
Re: How do I become a Home Inspector in Alabama?
Try dairy farming, working 12 to 14 hours a day, try haying on a 90 degree day and putting it away in a barn that is about 120 degrees, try working all day gunning out concrete so that you can set a 1/2 inch steel sole plate, try working on your hands and knees all day drilling and tapping in said sole plate, try lifting motors into place. Home inspection is relaxation compared to that.
Some of the inspectors that have been on this site for a while are a bit arrogant. The person asked how to get into the business. Believe me doing home inspections is not the dirty task that some of you make it out to be. If it is WHY do it?
07-13-2011, 08:31 AM #14
Re: How do I become a Home Inspector in Alabama?
Mazza Inspections and stuff...
07-13-2011, 06:04 PM #15
Re: How do I become a Home Inspector in Alabama?
I really should not do this and I will catch heat from about everyone for it.
Home inspection, physically is a cake walk compared to many types of work in the trades. Lets say all trades ..... physically. There is nothing physically demanding other than being able to walk and talk and depending on where you live occassioanlly crawl. Of course there is that nasty roof that you knew you should not have gotten on as well.
It can and is a tiring job at times. I believe the mental stress only comes from having to produce to make a full living at it. If you are doing it for retirement to bring in extra income and you do not have to worry about marketing your butt off and keeping up with a website and pushing yourself till you drop trying not only to get work but keep it coming then it is an extremely easy job.
Of course it is not for everyone because many just cannot grasp what it is truly all about. Including some already inspectors. If all I had to do is pull in an inspection or 2 or even three a week all stress would be elminated. I could do the inspections in the morning and finish the report with even a lot of doddling by mid afternoon. Do that a couple times a week and ....... seriously??????? what would be so difficult.
Now you should have back ground even though many out there do believe that background is not important for this profession To me for what I learn on a constant basis after being in this, well, forever I still believe that one needs a background in building or the science of building or enginnering and I am not tallking a chemical engineer. All the way from digging ditches to electric, framing, concrete work, roofing, HVAC, plumbing or being in charge of all that for a period of time (I think) is a complete musst to get the entire understanding with out it taking a very very long time to get that understanding.
A class in home inspection will not cut it at all.
Anyway. Have at it. Learn as much as you can.
Just remember one thing. Just don't come into my area taking work away from me so you can have an extra buck or 2 now and then
Honey ..... I just golt a call for an inspection and all I have been doing is sitting on my duff waiting for it. Pretty cool huh. Goin to make a few hundred. I will be back in a while. What would you like to do this weekend with the money?
Honestly that is the truth with a simple website that you get listed on the internet. It sucks for us full timers that need all the work we can get, but hey, its only money.
But then there is that few grand a year for insurance and some marketing and the website and and and and and and lets not forget about. What if I screw up and someone sues me". So much for bringing in an extra few hundred a week. Do it part time all the time and it WILL happen!
07-13-2011, 07:00 PM #16
Re: How do I become a Home Inspector in Alabama?
Mazza Inspections and stuff...
07-14-2011, 06:21 AM #17
Re: How do I become a Home Inspector in Alabama?
Ted actually around here most homes are on a crawl. I have been in the nastiest crawl space that you can dream of, in fact yesterday the crawl was 18" high, Insulation shredded from moisture and feces everywhere from pest getting under the home. Outside temp was above a hundred with heat index and me with a jump suit was a melting pot.
If it wasn't for crawl spaces and 120 degree attics I would agree about the cake job.
07-14-2011, 07:09 AM #18
Re: How do I become a Home Inspector in Alabama?
I was. Trying to get off my ladder onto the roof and put my hand down on the shingles to balance half off the ladder. I could not lift my hand as it was the only balance o point. 150 degrees, yes I burnt my hand.
As I hope you noticed my post was all if the below
Serious, Joking, sarcastic, friendly and a warding off of being a part time inspector
Last edited by Ted Menelly; 07-14-2011 at 08:27 AM.
07-14-2011, 08:20 AM #19
Re: How do I become a Home Inspector in Alabama?
Thanks Ted......I thought so but wanted to make sure.
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