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  1. #1
    Richard Berge's Avatar
    Richard Berge Guest

    Question Termite second opinion

    I did an inspection this morning and used a licensed termite inspector.
    It was an older home with a lot of remodeling done. No evidence of termites was found until the very last place he looked.( In very limited access of truss area of one level home. He took out his microscope and tested a small sample of what he found. He determined there had been or are now termites present. I have a written report. Since this is the first time I have used this inspector should buyer get a second opinion?

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Chicago IL

    Default Re: Termite second opinion

    Ok ... this isn't going to sound good. I'm sure others will be nicer.
    YOU, should have gotten a second opinion prior to bringing him on. If you don't have confidence in a guy you brought onto the job, that's your issue. Pushing it off on the client is a cop out.
    If you are going to bring a guy to your client you need to check him out ahead of time or not refer him. Don't just bring a guy on last minute. If you don't have a termite referral then let the client get their own.
    It's not only about protecting your client. It's also about protecting your reputation and your business.
    "The Code is not a ceiling to reach but a floor to work up from"

  3. #3
    Joe Suelter's Avatar
    Joe Suelter Guest

    Default Re: Termite second opinion

    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Berge View Post
    I did an inspection this morning and used a licensed termite inspector.
    It was an older home with a lot of remodeling done. No evidence of termites was found until the very last place he looked.( In very limited access of truss area of one level home. He took out his microscope and tested a small sample of what he found. He determined there had been or are now termites present. I have a written report. Since this is the first time I have used this inspector should buyer get a second opinion?
    Is the termite inspector insured? Are you listed as a certificate holder? Do you have a separate inspection agreement or addendum to the original holding you harmless? You should.

    That being said, he's the expert, right?

    Who actually hired him, you or the buyer?

    I use a termite company as well. I hire him as a sub. He is insured, my company is listed on his policy, and I make it very, very clear with an addendum that they are hired on behalf of the client's wishes to have a termite inspection performed, therefore holding my company harmless (or as harmless as a piece of paper states).

    Go with your gut, if you feel a second inspection is worth the time and money, that's up to you. If it is a reputable company, I would probably trust their judgement. Some fly by night, well I wouldn't use them anyway!!!

    Good luck.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Default Re: Termite second opinion

    get the second opinion as you think you should other wise you would not have asked us.
    Protect your client, that's your job. This one costs you extra, the client relation it brings is worth way more.
    The other side is consulting with owner for past treatments and possible warranties.
    Calling it active here in Ct means the bank will not close unless the home is treated.
    This means the owner is responsible fopr treatment.
    lay it on them, not your client, and give them you termite inspectors contact info
    You're out of it at that point.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Rockwall Texas

    Default Re: Termite second opinion

    I'll say it once more, as a home inspector you should not be setting up the termite inspection for your client if he is not on your staff.

    Tell them to find their own termite inspector and take that responsibility off your back if he's screws up.

    If he misses something, he's going to get dragged into a lawsuit and your going to be named in the suit too cause you referred him.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Winston-Salem, NC

    Default Re: Termite second opinion

    At one time I worked with HIs to do WDIIRs at the same time of the inspection. I am licensed and insured in North Carolina. Some states only require certification and buying a business license. It is still a license but no test is requiree past the certified applicator's test. We have stopped the practice of working for Home Inspectors as a sub. It didn't work out so well because of a couple of Home Inspectors greed. My fee was $50.00 back then and the Home Inspector added $125.00 the his fee. I would find termites and price the job at say $500.00 and the home would submit a bid for $750.00. I work with Home Inspectors in that I try to scheduel appointments at the same time as the home inspection and I get referrels from many Home Inspectors. I have several who do not do Radon measurements and don't want to. These HIs have introduced me to the realtors who use them and it has worked out well. The Pest Control and Home Inspection businesses are two different businesses and imo should be seperate and not intermingled in a real estate deal.


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