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  1. #1
    bobhaley's Avatar
    bobhaley Guest

    Default The Profession of Home Inspecting

    Good morning fellow inspectors
    I would like to submit an article about The Profession of Home Inspecting and how the fees we charge relate to other "Professionals"
    I have discussed this for several years with our local Nashville-Middle Tn. group,but to no avail.
    If the article gathered any interest,I would love to submit subsequent short articles reminding members just how far out of line we are with other professions on the fees we charge..
    I have been a home builder/developer for the past 40 yrs. and started my inspection business in 1990. My inspection income had always been a great supplement to my income from building. And for the past 20 years,I have always preached to the local group about the low fees they were charging.
    Now, due to the economy, I have stopped building for a while and I can verify that inspection income is woefully short of my established needs. Thank goodness I have other income.
    Hopefully the article will build confidence in inspectors and allow us to charge appropriate fees for what truly is a great "Profession"
    I look forward to your comments
    Real Estate Inspection Services L.L.C. -

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Columbus GA

    Default Re: The Profession of Home Inspecting

    Where is the article?

    ' correct a wise man and you gain a friend... correct a fool and he'll bloody your nose'.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Chicago IL

    Default Re: The Profession of Home Inspecting

    I would very much like to read your article. Have you posted it yet?

  4. #4
    bobhaley's Avatar
    bobhaley Guest

    Default Re: The Profession of Home Inspecting

    Leon It is a long article and I could write about it for days. I don't know if this site would allow me to post the entire article.
    However, it does look like we have a common item for discussion and it has brought forth a lot of comments.
    The bottom line is that I am trying to get all home inspectors to accept that we are truly a profession. We just don't charge professional fees !!
    A lot of that mentality comes from the fact that many of us are tradesmen without a college education.
    We need to realize that our education in the field and all the other required education we need to remain licensed etc.,is just as important for what we do as a law degree is for a lawyer.
    So we have the education, experience,knowledge etc. to perform a professional home inspection. we just don't charge a professional fee !!
    We charge a laymen's fee.
    Again these fees we charge are based upon:
    what everyone else is charging
    I am making more now than I was at the plant ,or for the G.C.
    I can't charge more,I might lose business
    I can assure you that lawyers, accountants, stockbrokers,realtors,small business owners,consultants, etc.don't have any more education, experience, knowledge in their field than we do in ours,yet their fees are much greater than ours.
    WHY !!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Default Re: The Profession of Home Inspecting

    Paste the article in the post. Nothing to loose for trying.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Chicago, IL

    Default Re: The Profession of Home Inspecting

    I often wish I could inspect "on contingency": $1.00, or 33% of adjustment to contract price based on reported defects.

    Michael Thomas
    Paragon Property Services Inc., Chicago IL

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Atlanta, Georgia

    Default Re: The Profession of Home Inspecting

    Quote Originally Posted by bobhaley View Post
    Leon It is a long article and I could write about it for days. I don't know if this site would allow me to post the entire article.
    Post the article on your website and post a link here if it is too long. You don't have to have a link from your homepage, just make it a page on your website that only if you know the specific address, can it be accessed.

    My area of operation, Raleigh NC, is ranked as the major metro area with the 4th highest percentage of residents with degrees. 42% of residents have degrees. Home inspectors in my area need to be able to effectively communicate and interact with degreed clients.

    "The Code is not a peak to reach but a foundation to build from."


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