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  1. #1
    Gerald Reece's Avatar
    Gerald Reece Guest

    Default Greetings from EDP Engineers & Inspectors

    InspectionNews Family:

    I welcome the opportunity to be apart of the many discussions concerning building systems and defects. I look forward to collaborating with you on topics concerning residential and commercial inspection practices and ways to improve business.

    First question, looking to purchase an IR camera to complete building diagnostics and possibly Rater work. Any suggestions? I'm considering the purchase of a B-40 Flir from Professional Equipment? Anyone know where the best prices are for cameras?

    Looking forward to the sharing!

    Gerald Reece
    EDP Engineers & Inspectors
    Missouri City, TX

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  2. #2

    Default Re: Greetings from EDP Engineers & Inspectors

    Gerald: I used to order from pro equip co. however if you ever have to return somthing they are terrible wont return calls and I could not get help or refund!! FYI


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