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08-26-2007, 08:57 PM #1
Andrew Buckwell
Please forgive me, I have been inspecting houses and dealing with people for too long.
Similar Threads:Last edited by Andrew Buckwell; 12-02-2007 at 10:35 PM. Reason: Im just an old egoist
08-26-2007, 10:17 PM #2
Re: A new (old lurker) member from Los Angeles
Errrr.... what is it you don't care about anymore?
- To read Jerry's posts...
- To work with those two guys anymore...
- Maybe you don't care anymore about the quantity of inspections or the dollar amount you have inspected....
- Maybe it's being an old lurker... or was that being a new member?
08-27-2007, 09:25 AM #3
Re: A new (old lurker) member from Los Angeles
08-27-2007, 09:55 AM #4
Re: A new (old lurker) member from Los Angeles
What a way to enter the party.
Sounds like the typical LA attitude I heard while visiting there a few weeks ago.
I'm so important and your not.