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  1. #1
    Chuck Moeschberger's Avatar
    Chuck Moeschberger Guest

    Default Chuck in indiana

    I should probably say hello before i start posting all over this place. I'm a licensed home inspector in West Lafayette, IN. I've been in business since May of 2009. We are home, termite, and radon licensed.

    I'm currently looking for an Eperm system to buy off of someone who's retiring maybe? Anybody know of any that might be for sale?

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  2. #2

    Default Re: Chuck in indiana

    It's not so expensive to buy new, call Rick Stieff at 800-526-5482- he'll set you up nicely. I might suggest a Radalink monitor to supplement your business...offer the monitor as an upgrade for more than the E-Perms, and you'll see a revenue increase.

  3. #3
    Chuck Moeschberger's Avatar
    Chuck Moeschberger Guest

    Default Re: Chuck in indiana

    Quote Originally Posted by Nathan Thornberry View Post
    It's not so expensive to buy new, call Rick Stieff at 800-526-5482- he'll set you up nicely. I might suggest a Radalink monitor to supplement your business...offer the monitor as an upgrade for more than the E-Perms, and you'll see a revenue increase.
    Why would you offer the monitor as an upgrade? just to give hourly readings? I don't like the idea of leaving $800 equipment in someone's occupied house.

    Thanks for the input, I've already got a call into Rick :-) Thanks!!


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