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  1. #1
    Handy Manuel's Avatar
    Handy Manuel Guest

    Default HandyManuel Introduction

    Hello all, I post for the first time primarily to satisfy the home page plea, "Our records indicate that you have never posted on InspectionNews!"

    Therefore, I submit the following:

    We provide Ann Arbor, MI and the surrounding metro area with Handyman and Remodeling services. Our specialty, and now our bread-n-butter, is window and door maintenance. Our goal is to arm the customer with enough knowledge to make informed decisions about their home.

    Thank you to all those that post regularly, as I enjoy my '20-minute' breaks catching up on all the oddities we find out there.


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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    New York

    Default Re: HandyManuel Introduction

    Quote Originally Posted by Handy Manuel View Post
    Hello all, I post for the first time primarily to satisfy the home page plea, "Our records indicate that you have never posted on InspectionNews!"

    Therefore, I submit the following:

    We provide Ann Arbor, MI and the surrounding metro area with Handyman and Remodeling services. Our specialty, and now our bread-n-butter, is window and door maintenance. Our goal is to arm the customer with enough knowledge to make informed decisions about their home.

    Thank you to all those that post regularly, as I enjoy my '20-minute' breaks catching up on all the oddities we find out there.

    Hi Handy,

    Have you ever thought about writing a book about being a handyman? You could call it Handy Manuel's handy manual.

    Steven Turetsky, UID #16000002314

  3. #3
    Handy Manuel's Avatar
    Handy Manuel Guest

    Default Re: HandyManuel Introduction

    Thanks Steven, I've thought about "Automatic or Manual?"


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