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  1. #1
    Ada Miller's Avatar
    Ada Miller Guest

    Default New Mueller Rep with 2 High Values>> Any tips?

    Hello all,
    I am a fresh new Rep for Mueller, just finished training last week actually. I was itching to get some money rolling in so I pushed for some surveys. I have received 20 with 2 being HV. All are an hour away so obviously will take more than one day. I'm trying to schedule these out but because I haven't done HV before I'm not sure how long it will take. Both home are 4000+ sf.

    It takes me about 25 minutes for an ex/int on an average house and about 15 minutes for an exterior. Any tips would be helpful. Thanks so much in advance.


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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Default Re: New Mueller Rep with 2 High Values>> Any tips?

    what do you know about HV

  3. #3
    Garry Blankenship's Avatar
    Garry Blankenship Guest

    Default Re: New Mueller Rep with 2 High Values>> Any tips?

    No clue what "HV" means, but speculate it is the High Values in your post title ? Regarding tips & what little I know of Mueller, they seem to be the Wal Mart of inspection fees & some assurance of your fee may be in order. New or not; your time and service has value.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Default Re: New Mueller Rep with 2 High Values>> Any tips?

    There are several Mueller reps on the site. I would expect that they will respond.

    A faster way may be to look for the threads with Mueller in them and go directly to the posters with a personal message (PM) asking for assistance. For the most part I see that the posters seem empathic to fellow reps.

    Side note: Work at scheduling for the same day since it is distance away. Always work at being the most efficient with your time. Look for Kristi with Mueller. Have not heard from her lately and hope she can help.
    Kristi Silber

    Last edited by Garry Sorrells; 11-25-2012 at 08:20 AM. Reason: Name-link added


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